
West African Empires

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“West African societies were shaped by competition for wealth and the search for independence from more powerful kingdoms” (History 2011). Most of Africa’s oldest kingdoms originated from West Africa. These old kingdoms contributed to the development and growth of Africa in many ways, especially trade and economic growth. As the new kingdoms replaced the old ones, they experienced a vast change. Conquest and warfare along caused these transformations to occur. It was also influenced by the patterns of trade. The earliest civilizations were in West Africa south of the Sahara desert. These civilisations grew at a time when most of the outside countries were experiencing The Dark Age. “After the fall of the Western half of the Roman Empire around …show more content…

However, the Mali Empire’s power was weakened due to quarrels about orderly succession of the emperors. When the Songhai Empire realized that weakness at the center of Mali, they started rebelling. In 1375, Geo rebelled. Soon Songhai Empire began its expansion at the expense of Mali. They conquered Mema, Timbuktu from the Tuareg. The military commander responsible for these victories, Sunni Ali Ber, was considered the first great ruler of the Songhai Empire. He continued to expand and build the empire by taking control of important Trans-Saharan trade routes as well as other cities and provinces of Mali. Trade had a significant influence on the history of these empires. The riches made through these trades contributed to build larger kingdoms and empires. In order to protect their trade, they build even larger armies. The slave trade was the most important contributor to their economic development. “The Songhai kingdom under the rule of Askia Mohammed used slaves as soldiers. Slaves were trusted not to overthrow their rulers. Sometimes, slaves were given position such as royal advisers because “Songhai rulers believed that slaves could be trusted to provide unbiased advice unlike other citizens who held a personal stake in the outcome of decisions” (Tesfu 2015).
Fall of Songhai Empire:
The wealth and power of Songhai empire was drastically affected by the environmental changes, which caused droughts and diseases. In the 16th century, Songhai empire went into civil war. Following the fates of Ghana and Mali empires. They too started to fall apart. Even though, they survived the environmental changes. They fell prey to Moroccans, who wanted to control the sub-Saharan gold trade. In 1591, the Moroccan army invaded and Songhai were defeated. The economic and administrative centres of which remained in Moroccan

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