
Wesley Bucktin In 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

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good morning/afternoon class. my name is aaliya and my character from the Jasper Jones novel is, Wesley Bucktin.

before i start, heres a bit of background as to who my character is:

Wesley Bucktin, is a father to the protagonist, Charlie, and husband to Ruth. Ruth came from wealth and when she and Wesley eloped into the small town of Corrigan, Ruth's parents resented Wesley for it, eventually as did Ruth.
Wesley is often characterised as having similar qualities to Atticus Finch from the TKAMB novel and like Atticus, Wesley is very patient and loving towards his child.

A character to majorly shape Wesley’s storyline would be Ruth. throughout the novel, Ruth appeared to be a very controlling figure in the lives of both Wesley and …show more content…

When Ruth confronted Wesley, Wesley did not seem surprised by what his wife was telling him, making it obvious to Charlie that he’d known of her infidelity long before this moment. This suggested to Charlie that Wesley hadn’t brought it up be he wanted to protect his son from the pain of learning that his mother was unfaithful in her marriage. Wesley did not protest when she chose to leave, only asking one thing of her; to talk to Charlie to set things right, which she refused. Despite the very intimate position Mr Bucktin was put in, he’s only concern was for his son, which further aims to prove the extent of his love towards his …show more content…

Lu’s property from vandals. His courage was greatly admired by his son especially as it wasn’t really expected, in this time, for anyone to come to the rescue of the Lu family, due to the Vietnamese war which occurred previous to the start of the novel, where many lost family members at the hands of Vietnamese soldiers. this also reflects back to Atticus Finch standing up for a person of colour, in a time where such thing was disgraceful.

the point of view in the novel is through the eyes of Wesley’s child. it is clear that when explaining the story and intentions of a character through the eyes of another, major parts are left out, unexplained or one sided. this was the case with this story as it was through the eyes of Charlie and how Charlie saw his father, therefore limiting the characters exposure to being nothing other than a father. this caused a restraint when trying to get to know Wesley in more depth as a s

Towards the end of the novel my character, i would say, stays the same for the most part. he is forced into a different situation by Ruth’s betrayal but handles it how he would’ve at the start of the novel. he takes it as its given and continues to be there for Charlie, just as he was at the start of the

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