
Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome : A Disease That Can Cause Life Threatening Brain Damage And Mental Health Issues

Decent Essays

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a disease that can cause life-threatening brain damage and mental health issues. The primary cause for the disease is a deficiency of vitamin B1. Most sufferers who contract and recover from the syndrome suffer permanent brain damage. Alcoholism is the predominate – but no only - catalyst for the sickness. Physicians identify most Wernicke-Korsakoff during alcoholism treatment. The disease’s 20 percent mortality rate poses a serious health threat. To date, there is no plausible vaccine for the illness.

Wernicke encephalopathy, a disease that alters brain structure, and Korsakoff syndrome, a memory loss disease, are two conditions that frequently afflict victims together. The sickness occurs in individual who lack vitamin B1 most often due to alcoholism but also because of malnourishment. The condition can also occur in individuals with illnesses or after weight reduction surgery.

Researchers are unsure of how Werncike encephalopathy damages the brain, but do know that the syndrome targets the thalamus and hypothalamus brain sections. Korsakoff psychosis typically afflicts individuals once Wernicke encephalopathy subsides, where psychosis takes root once Wernicke encephalopathy permanently damages suffers’ memories.

Individuals who contract Wernicke encephalopathy can suffer several mental symptoms, or show no effects at all. Other individuals may hold lucid conversations, then suddenly forget the entire dialogue. The most severe cases result

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