
Wendy And Gildarts: A Short Story

Satisfactory Essays

Wendy was healing the battle station team, she had already healed Erza and Jellal, now she was working on healing Gildarts. “Wendy don’t push yourself to hard, you’ll waste all your magic,” Carla said as she watched Wendy on Gildarts with a careful hand and relaxed mind. “Don’t worry Carla, I’m fine. And once I finish healing Gildarts, I’ll take a break,” Wendy replied while she continued to working her healing magic on Gildarts. It was at that moment when Carla noticed that Erza had started to move and Carla said, “Wendy look!” Wendy whirled around and saw that Erza was sitting up with a only a twinge of pain. “Erza, how are you feeling? Do you feel any pain? Blood lost? Muscle discomfort,” Wendy asked as she looked over Erza’s body once more. “Another than a little pain, I’m feeling fine,” Erza told Wendy as she got to her feet, “So whats going on?” “I think Natsu is battling Malise,” Wendy replied and Erza got a …show more content…

The armor that Erza wore was a leather black leather with silver trims, a dark blue leather tunic with a lightweight black breastplate that sparked silver in the morning in sun light, and leather black pants with dark blue boots that went up to the knees. The sword that Erza wielded with armor was a pitch black sword with trims of silver. “Erza, you can’t, you aren’t fully healed,” Wendy argued as she ran in front of Erza to block her way. “Wendy, Natsu needs me, he can’t stop Malise by himself,” Erza explained, “Now, please Wendy step aside.” “No,” Wendy replied in a serious tone. “But Wendy, Erza is right, Natsu needs her. Especially with Lucy unable to fight,” Carla reasoned as Wendy held her ground. As seconds flew by, things remained silent and still before Wendy dropped her arms to her side and said, “Carla is right, with Lucy out of magic, there is no telling what could happen to Natsu.” “Thank you, Wendy,” Erza replied then she sped off toward Natsu’s and Lucy’s

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