
Well Written Learning Analysis

Decent Essays

Synthesis Paper #1: The binding cord
As I read the articles this week, I looked for a common thread. I found that well written and clear objectives drive instruction also how one should use those objectives to produce your assessments so that students can show mastery of the skills. What stood out to me the most was what Guskey, T. R. (2005) stated, “But to bring about significant improvement in education, we must link standards to what takes place in classrooms. For that to happen, teachers need to do two important things: (1) translate the standards into specific classroom experiences that facilitate student learning and (2) ensure that classroom assessments effectively measure that learning (Guskey, 1999).”
This week’s articles helped …show more content…

I decided to examine my TEKS and develop well written objectives first by using a few of the indicators that I read in the articles. I found that Shank, P. (2005) Stated that,” Well-written learning objectives describe, in specific, measurable, and observable terms, the skills students are expected to exhibit as a result of instruction. In other words, learning objectives answer the question, “What will the learner be able to DO?” rather than indicating what the student will be taught” and “Well-written learning objectives always contain a specific, measurable, and observable action verb that describes the skill that the learner will …show more content…

R. (2005)
For example, if we are studying geometry my guiding questions to plan would be, what would be the learner outcomes? What do I want the students to learn by the end of the unit? From here I would develop my instruction to directly target the skills that I want each learner to understand. Guskey, T. R. (2005) supports, “The second essential question is, What must students he able to do with what they learn? In answering this question, teachers must determine what particular skills, abilities, or capacities must pair up with the new concepts and material.”
Throughout my career as an educator I have heard the term “backwards planning” however, what does that really mean? What does it look like? I found myself knowing the concept but not fully understanding the concept. Shank, P. (2005) states that, “Once you know what assessments are needed, your next task is to design content and activities so students can gain adequate understanding and practice to be able to perform at the desired level on assessments (thereby showing they have met the learning

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