
Welcoming Criticism Flaws And Challenges

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Welcoming Criticism, Failures and Challenges

Individuals can use both critical thinking tools suggested by Paul and Elder in Critical Thinking, and Growth mindset strategies identified in Mindsets: the new psychology of Success, by Carol Dweck; to lead a rewarding professional, academic and social life by embracing criticism, failures and challenges.

Is criticism good or bad? Criticism can be used to help individuals learn from their mistakes. A group who cannot accept a critique have a fixed-mindset. A growth-mindset individual can take the critique but also learn to critique their own thoughts. Paul and Elder state, “Critical thinking is the disciplined art of ensuring that you use the best thinking you are capable of in any set of circumstances.” A person willing to learn from a critique is willing to improve themselves and expand their knowledge.

Failure is the next step in succeeding. Failure is both a critical thinking tool, as well as a growth mindset strategies used to undertake failing as a learning utensil. A group who cannot accept their own failures does not want to improve in anyway are fixed. Making mistakes and accepting failing is tough to manage, but by normalizing mistakes and failures your on track to developing a growth mindset. …show more content…

Fixed mindset tend to keep away from problems, but avoiding challenges is like avoiding life. The world will be filled with challenges and obstacles. In a growth mindset challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than saying “Oh no I am going to reveal my weaknesses. You can say “wow I have a chance to grow.” Embracing new challenges can reveal our limitations and offer us a stairway to raise above them. Dweck indicated, “picture your brain forming new connections as you meet the challenge and learn. Keep on going.” If we give up a obstacle was to hard to overcome. Facing challenges can help convert a fixed mindset to a growth

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