
Welcome Speech For Graduation Speech

Decent Essays

Good morning respected guests and members of the community, staff, family, friends and fellow graduates. Let me begin by welcoming you all to today’s event and thanking Ms. Pavlou, Ms. Barresi, Ms. Adamo, Mr. Tenaglia, and _____ . I am absolutely honored to be standing here representing the graduating class of 2017. On behalf of the graduates, I would like to thank you for joining us on this auspicious occasion. Today is one of those great occasions when we get the opportunity to celebrate our achievements, our perseverance and successes as we grow up. It is one of the times that we can reflect just how much we have accomplished and grown in our years at 141. Graduation is a time of reflecting on the past and looking onward to the future. It can be seen as a coming of age, an official way to recognize when a person steps into a new stage of life, and graduates, we are stepping into a new stage. It is a time that we, as graduates, get together for one last hurrah before moving on to bigger and better adventures. This year we have a very unique and exceptional group of students who are graduating. We have grown, changed, and experienced so much together. As we look back upon three amazing years, it is incontrovertible that IS 141 has played an instrumental role in helping to shape the individuals we are today. There is something most definitely unique about IS 141. There is a magic at this school that is inimitable, and we have been incredibly fortunate to experience

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