
Week 2 Bshs 406 Doc Essay

Better Essays

University of Phoenix Material

Women and Men and the Family Life Cycle


Complete the following chart and questionnaire:

Differences of Men and Women in the Changing Life Cycle

|Circumstances |Women |Men |
|Adolescent |Young ladies spend money in enhancing their looks as a |Traditional gender roles compel boys to be strong, |
| |result from influences in media compelling them to focus on|resilient and physical. Boys have …show more content…

| | | |
|Evolving role within marriage in the last 30 years |An increasing number of women have remained single for a |The average marrying age of young adults is higher compared|
| |longer period of time instead of getting married while they|to the average marrying age of their parents. |
| |are young. They have started to become | |
| |independent from men. | |
|Motherhood or fatherhood |Around 73 percent of women with children are part of the |Men are starting to spend time with their family as well as|

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