"Hikari!" someone shouted in my ear. I bolted away and blindly punched whoever it was. I apologized, "Sorry, Ryuzaki! You scared me!" The interrogations had taken all night and part of the morning, and I must have fallen sleep on the couch in his room. L was glaring at me as he rubbed his left arm. He sighed, "This is why I said I'd wake you." I frowned, stretching, "You didn't have to yell. Anyways, are you finished?" "Yes. I'm sorry; I had to place them in your room. Would you mind going to get them?" he asked. I nodded and stood up, stretching my back one last time. I paused at the mirror to fix my hair before walking to the room next door. I brought them all back and we sat where we had when we first talked. L sat down and started, "I apologize for questioning all of you like that, but I'm afraid I had no choice. I've determined that Kira is not among us." Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Ryuzaki, how can you be certain that we are all innocent?" Yagami wondered. L revealed, "Well, to be honest, from the beginning, I set a number of traps that would reveal if any of you were Kira. But after speaking with you one-on-one, I don't feel the need." His phone began to ring. "Excuse me." He held his phone between his thumb and index finger and listened to the person on the line. "Understood. I'm just about finished here, anyway. You got the key, so let yourself in." He hung up and told us, "Watari's on his way." The others made noises of surprise as I
“Talako, some of his friends, and I may or may not have gotten into a fight which resulted in the four of them on the ground.” I said and smiled as innocent as possible.
“You know it,” responded Action Andy. “By the way, the others are still there, so if you want to speak with them, now’s your chance. In the meantime, I’ll be getting some rest before tomorrow’s work, so see you later.”
“Ugh.” She groaned. She got up and showered. Then she walked back into her bedroom and found a note on her bed.
"Midoriya-san!! Midoriya-san!!" I called his name twice. Hoping from an answer. At this time I stopped running, just to call his name. I wanted - no I needed to hear something from him.
“What is going on... Why are you guys here?” I then asked Terra again having been still mystified, and then followed that up with, “Where's Katelyn?”
“What has gotten into you!” She blurted out, “They most definitely know that you killed Amaranth
Like a bullet in my hip. I staggered back, barely maintaining my balance as I threw myself towards the attacker and hammered my fist into his cheek.
Jenna stood. She grabbed a compact mirror from her clutch. She redid her lipstick, a neutral tone of pink, and smoothed out her hair. “Alright. I’ll send him to your residence this evening.”
The Innocents is a breathtaking movie that tells the true and unknown accounts of the Soviet Army raping a Polish covenant and the aftermath of those actions. What I found interesting about this film was how it captures the dark side of humanity. The movie was nothing like I expected, originally based on the trailer, I thought this movie was about a church that took in young girls who were pregnant and that it was controversial since it was against their beliefs. While watching this movie, I realized that it was about a group of Polish nuns who have been raped by the Soviet Army three times and they are now dealing with the consequences of having giving birth to life as well as unintentionally going against their vow of chastity to God. This
"I suggest you explain yourself before I let my cats rip you and Raimundo to shreds." Kimiko snapped at her.
Responding with a nod, lifting the items up, responded, ‘I’ll re-place these items until you are ready, Sir!’
“Okay.” he said timidly as we arrived at the top of the driveway. Walking closer to the house I could hear the yelling that always went on there and I cringed. I didn’t want him to have to hear that, it was embarrassing. But we headed into the house anyway and quickly slithered into my room before we were notice by the arguing monsters in the kitchen.
"You look tired," Rhonda said. "How about you take five and I’ll wash them and then you can dry for a bit."
Ex: criminal can: have a sufficient time to build his defense, hire professionals, call media for the help. Realize some kind of a propaganda build upon the public attraction and make a call for the public emotions, for his defense
Min Yoongi thinks long and hard, sitting outside of the apartment building. He needs so badly to talk to someone, and it just so happens that a familiar person is on his way inside.