
We Were The Mulvaneys Literary Devices

Decent Essays

Literary devices are often used to develop a character in an author’s work. Joyce Carol Oates’s novel We Were the Mulvaneys is no different. Oates employs both diction and point of view as devices to effectively reveal the maturity of Judd Mulvaney. Diction is an employed literary device in the development of Judd Mulvaney as a mature character through the use of sophisticated word selection. Oates’s word usage changes the tone and emotions in the passage, and shows the maturity of Judd. The character of Judd Mulvaney is at first using phrases such as “hypnotizing myself the way kids do”, “light gritty film of snow”, “darkest in the crevices”, and “leaning over the rotted rail gaping at the water hypnotized and scared”. Judd is generally seen to …show more content…

Towards the middle of the passage Judd starts to see a glimmer of hope when discussing both his father and his brother. Judd stated, “Dad at the wheel grinned and laughed and next second they were past, the pickup in full throttle ascending the drive”, “…these two people who were so remarkable to me...” As soon as Judd revels in his joyful thoughts he seems to come full circle, and suddenly it occurs to him that his father and his brother will also one day die, along with himself. This was emphasized by the literary device of point of view because Judd himself realized that not only would his father and brother pass on, but so would he. He realized that he was not immortal, and would not continue to live forever; he states, “Them, too. All of them. Every heartbeat past and gone.” After coming to this heartbreaking conclusion Judd realizes that from his view, a child’s view, he must not say anything to anyone about what he has figured out. He states, “And I, just a skinny kid, the runt of the litter at High Point Farm, would have to pretend to not know what I

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