Chapter 16 of the book We the People talks about the American Government and its economy, there are multiple main points in the reading. However I feel that the main points of the reading are the Monetary Policies of the US Government and how the Government works to protect the Environment. The US Government works to create and keep a strong economy for the country, in order to accomplish their goal they use monetary policies which are the monetary efforts that help regulate the economy. Thru monetary policies the government lends money or gives grants to business, so that the business can invest in themselves and try to expand their business. Another tool that the government uses to help/control the economy is the Federal Fund Rate, the Federal
This book Our Kind of People is written by Lawrence Otis Graham. Lawrence Otis Graham is a graduate of Princeton and Harvard law. He has written thirteen books and he is best known for exposing the bias at a greenwich country club, where he left his office job and went undercover and worked there for about three weeks. Also Graham grew up in the environment that he describes in the book which ultimately gives him the best advantage and perspective needed to write the book.
A weak fiscal position can cause weak government ability to provide security for property rights, and makes it harder to borrow in the face of security crisis’s. Citizens receive value from government’s role in making and enforcing laws that give citizens the opportunity to freely pursue opportunities. The US is a developed economy but don’t mean its government doesn’t need to retake reform measures. Having an orderly governing body allows private citizens to make long term investment decisions about their personal resources. The government involvement is vital because it provides the best opportunity to accomplish its national investment and growth goals through entrepreneurial spirits of all citizens.
They created the Federal Reserve Act to allow banks to issue paper money and control finances so that the economy remained stable and strong (Doc C). With the follow up creation of the Federal Trade Commission, the government actually encouraged a competitive economy thus sticking closely to the Laissez-Faire economy but modifying in such that they would eliminate the unfairness of the economic battle (Doc K). The federal government didn't completely eliminate the Laissez-Faire economy but they only modified it slightly with changes to allow different competitors to also be part of the economy and eliminate any advantages. This evened the playing field and from then on, it continued to be Laissez-Faire. Much like with the railroad land grants, the federal government didn't actually step in and take charge but rather they helped balance and crash the economy from time to time to ensure there were no large corporations that crushed the rest of the
In the book ”Give Me Liberty”, Foner discusses The Battle of the Alamo in Chapter 13.The Battle of the Alamo is between the Mexican Army and the defenders of the Alamo. Texas was actually part of Mexico in 1820 until the Texians wanted independence from Mexico. The battle occurred in 1836 when Santa Ana’s Army reached The Alamo and started to fight with the defenders of the Alamo. When the battle ended the Mexican Arm y( Santa Ana) defeated The Alamo’s defenders leaving numerous men dead. Later on that year the defenders followed the Mexican Army and captured Santa Anna. When they captured him they forced him to sign the treaty of Jacinto or else they would kill him. He eventually signed the treaty and Texas was now independent.
Chapter 5 of the book We the People talks about Civil Rights, it talks about how the Civil Right movement evolved thru time in the United States. From people advocating the abolitionism of slavery to the Civil Right movement of 1954 to the present day. The chapter also talks about the struggles of African Americans, Women, Latinos Asians Americans and disable people, just to name a few in their fight to have equal rights in the United States. While there are multiple main points in the chapter one main points that I found interesting was the Equality in Education section of the chapter. I found this part interesting because it talks about Title IX, Title IX established that discrimination on education based on gender was forbidden. This was
The Working Poor travels into the forgotten America. It is a book about people and places that most us have never thought about. We have our debates about these people, their lifestyles, how they raise their children and where they work but we don't really know them and for the most part don't care. How many of us notice "the man who washes cars but does not own one, the clerk who files cancelled checks at the bank but has $2.02 in her own account or the woman who copyedits medical textbooks but hasn't been to a dentist in a decade?"(Shipler,3) With this book, Shipler takes you into their lives, it allows you to understand some of their choices and their lack of options. The Working Poor makes you understand what it is like to work hard,
‘When We Fight We Win’ challenges the notion of “reform” when it comes to education in Chicago and around the globe. Charter schools privatize education allowing what is supposed to be a public service focussed on meeting the needs of students to meeting the needs of private investors. Billionaires like Bill Gates have pushed charter schools as a solution to our failing educational system but in reality many charter schools don’t do better on average. Chicago’s mayor Rahm Emanuel closed 50 public schools primarily in low-income african american and latino neighborhoods which then later got replaced by charter schools. This is what the book refers to as the neoliberal model of education that has served as a blueprint in changing
Many individuals interpret diversity differently specifically in the United States because of its melting pot of distinct cultures and lifestyles. In his essay “People Like Us”, David Brooks’ argues that although the United States is a diverse nation as a whole, it is homogeneous in specific aspects like interactions between people. To some extent, his observation is true; people tend to stick to what or who they are comfortable with. There are also exceptions where the American people attempt to establish relationships with others because of their desire to expand out of their norm. For instance, Brooks excludes the
The U.S government implemented policies that would adhere to the Keynesian model that suggest “that it is the responsibility of the government to help stabilize the economy” (Keynesian). Key actions the government and the fed took was quantitative easing, the stimulus and recovery act which were approved in 2009. Though the US has not completely recovered from the recession the government did effectively stabilized our
In order to properly explain the expansionary economic policies that the federal government engages in, it is important to understand the vocabulary being used. The Federal Reserve Bank, commonly referred to as the Fed, “is the central bank of the United States” (Arnold, 2014). According to Steven Pressman (2013), “the Federal Reserve is the institution in which the federal government and private banks do their banking. The central Federal Reserve banks are responsible for monitoring banks and ensuring they remain solvent. They also control interest rates and thus borrowing costs for consumers and business firms. This, in turn, affects unemployment and inflation, giving the Federal Reserve substantial control over the U.S. economy.” Expansionary fiscal policy
Over the past few years we have realized the impact that the Federal Government has on our economy, yet we never knew enough about the subject to understand why. While taking this Economics course it has brought so many things to our attention, especially since we see inflation, gas prices, unemployment and interest rates on the rise. It has given us a better understanding of the effect of the Government on the economy, the stock market, the interest rates, etc. Since the Federal Government has such a control over our Economy, we decided to tackle the subject of the Federal Reserve System and try to get a better understanding of the history, the structure, and the monetary policy of the power that it holds.
The first artist choice put into the “We the People” series is the color pattern. Used as a representation of the United States the colors red, white, and blue are all separate colors; yet, put together create a symbol of freedom. Similarly, each of the three women have a distinct background. In fact, the United Sates as a whole is made up of a very culturally diverse population, nonetheless put together these cultures have created a unique country and flourishing society that many are proud to call home.
Monetary policy uses changes in the quantity of money to alter interest rates, which in turn affect the level of overall spending . “The object of monetary policy is to influence the nation’s economic performance, as measured by inflation”, the employment rate and the gross domestic product, an aggregate measure of economic output. Monetary policy is controlled by
Macbeth and Animal Farm are both classic pieces of literature that have been studied across numerous of generations. Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare back in the early 17th century as a play to entertain various members of English royalty. Over three hundred years later, in 1945, George Orwell published Animal Farm with the purpose to criticise the Soviet Union. Macbeth tells the story of Lord Macbeth, the savage methods he used to reach the throne and be crowned the King of Scotland as well as his subsequent rule as a tyrant. Animal Farm is about a pig named Napoleon, his violent rise to power as leader of Animal Farm and his progression into a corrupt,
Each citizen has a responsibility to aid in the world economy. One can do this in several different ways. The first and easiest way is by purchasing products from both Americas industries and from foreign industries. This will enable money to circulate in America and it will also aid in the sales of imports and exports. "America needs to take the lead in the global economy by negotiating trade agreements that help the poor in Mexico and other nations join the consumer class"(3). Brown suggests that America look for trade agreements that will put people first and not money-centered agreements. This she says will be a trade policy for the future and not the past. Taxes are another very important part of America’s economy. If citizens do not pay there taxes then the government will not be funded and the economy will falter. The public has the main responsibility to keeping the economy strong; with out them there would not be one. We could have all of the trade agreements in the world but without the public to support them they would be useless.