
We Beat The Street Quotes

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Literary Analysis Final Quote-Analysis-Theory-connection ‘We Beat the Streets’ is a book based off true events of three men named, Sampson Davis, Rameck Hunt and George Jenkins and their daily life of living the streets of Newark, New Jersey. Brought down by many things like gang violence, drugs and much more it's tough for these three boys, who don’t know anyone that made it to college. But they had a dream to make it there one day! To be acclimated to the everyday struggle of the lawlessness of the hood and growing up in the ghetto is tough for these three young individuals. Looked at as just more statistics. Although they grew up with substandard role models in an inadequate environment I see them having a lot of injustice in their lives. …show more content…

Evidence from the text to prove what I said is. “Perhaps because we were constantly exposed to crime and negative people like the Bomb, we unconsciously copied the behavior that surrounded us.” pg 35. These boys had a choice in their behavior but the inadequate environment was a heavy influence on their lives at an early age. Evidence from the text to prove my statement is. “...just for the thrill of the chase. But the streets could easily take kids life-whether by drugs or guns of fights or just plain reckless behavior. So much precious untapped talent is lost to the ills of the streets.” pg 59. As young men start to develop they tend to change habits and their way of thinking. Although life's tough where these boys come from and I'm sure for many other people, you should always dream big and strive for success and want to make it in the world. They have the power to make these dreams and complete their goals in life. Evidence from the text to justify my statement is. “I think if a person dreams heard enough, sometimes a door will open to make that dream come true.” pg …show more content…

The injustice of the streets is an everyday thing for them. Evidence from the text to prove my claims is “Nonetheless, a gun was simply part of the scene, as natural to him and his friends as pulling out a candy bar from a pocket.” pg 111. The system for health-care is a dual system which means that minorities in poorer places get less care than others around America which is a horrible thing, this is most definitely injustice. Quotes from the text to prove my statement correct is. “... and all those classified as poor in this country receive less than adequate treatment in facilites that are far outsripped by hospitals and clinics in wealthier neighborhoods.” pg. 135 It's hard for these three young men growing up in such an unearthly place. No matter who you are, your qualifications, where you originate from or the the complexion of your skin you can make it in the macrocosm with just the right ethos. I found power and injustice really big in the this story due to the fact that they had the power to make and want to make it through high school and into college and the fact that they get mistreated by caucasian people in the area they attend college and by the police

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