
Water Is Free Flowing Energy

Decent Essays

Where do you get your best ideas? Have you had those lightning fast moments of brilliance that come when you least expect it and fill you with excitement. The spark of creative inspiration. The awesome solution to a problem that you have been slaving over that just pops into your mind in an instant. I get my best ideas in the shower. The white noise of the water is an excellent conduit to amplifying my creative thoughts. Recently they have been happening often and I write them down in a hurry so when I am ready to take action they are there to expand upon.

These thoughts come from my own intuitive guidance to the next step in my life. Water is free flowing energy. Energy is all around us and within us, (think of science class and the atom) and thoughts are energy as well. I have learned a lot about energy in the past 2 1/2 years as I have become fascinated about how to release blocked or stagnant energy with Reiki and Coaching methods.

It has taught me that a big part of chronic illness,stress, anxiety and mental illness is a direct result of blocked emotions and negative thought patterns. When we stay stuck in a “story” we often take on the victim role. This resonated again with me recently when I revisited a Ted Talk about domestic violence that I had seen a few years ago by Leslie Morgan Steiner. She talks about being the victim and the beliefs that she had. I began to think a lot about victim roles and how dangerous they can be.

We all play the victim in some way

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