
Water Dissolving Lab

Decent Essays

While looking at the results, I noticed that the cold temperature solution glowed for the longest time with an average of 14.5 minutes. The room temperature solution was next with an average of 13.5 minutes. Finally, the warm temperature glowed for the shortest amount of time with an average of 9.5 minutes. I noticed that the solubility affected the glow rate. The warm water was able to quickly dissolve the copper sulfate, Luminol, and Perborate mixture. However, the cold water took the longest because it was hard for it to dissolve. In order to keep the dissolving process going, every so often, I mixed it. My results indicate that if you want to locate the presence of blood quickly, you should use a warmer solution. However, if you want a longer glow, a colder solution may be a better choice. A t-test was not used because there were only two trials. Therefore, it would be hard to compare and call it significant or not significant. My hypothesis was correct, because I predicted that the colder solution would take the longest. I think the results came out the way they did because the crystals had a harder time dissolving in the cold water, than in the hot water. …show more content…

However, the Lux meter was not sensitive enough to pick up the light emitted from the Luminol. When I realized this, I had to rethink my project. I was going to record my observations, and make a table based on how bright I thought it was. However, the problem I realized with this was that my data would be opinionated. Therefore, it would be hard to justify. After, I realized that I could time how long the glow lasts for. By doing this, I would have true numbers to record. Overall, I think that by problem solving, I was able to figure out a way to make my project

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