
Was The Revolutionary War Worth It?

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Was it worth it? Albert Einstein says had some words that stuck out to me Albert’s quote is, “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.” This quote is a quote that speaks words that if Great Britain really understood the colonists and what they were trying to say the Revolutionary War would have never happened. Now, I will explain why the Revolutionary War was not worth the so called “independence” or “freedom” the colonist believed it was. As there were many repercussions to the war that were not worth the risk and consequences towards the land and the inhabitants. In this essay I will explain how the Revolutionary War was not worth all the suffering it caused. One reason on why the Revolutionary …show more content…

While the war was going on many families only had one parent at this time which was the women. The women had to maintain the farm’s, houses, and their family business. This is a lot of work for women also because women back in the times that the war was going on didn’t get to do very much they were kind of isolated from the men. The new tasks at home for the women were getting rough without another parent in the home. The women were not used to all the work and were getting stressed out. The war caused many women stress that they didn’t need. Therefor the war wasn’t worth it for many types of people including African Americans and Native Americans. Native Americans in the war normally sided with the British because they thought they were less of threat and they were nice to them and their tribe. Although during the war the British were very cooperative with them after the war was a completely different story. After the war the British to the Indians said “goodbye” this means that the British just left them there they didn’t win. Therefor the the Native Americans that sided with the British fought in the war for nothing. African Americans fought on the colonist side for their freedom. Many got their freedom yet many died as well. The African Americans fought for the freedom of America and what they got back was not freedom. After the war slavery still existed. Many African Americans got freedom and many didn’t which resulted in them being enslaved again or dying. The Revolutionary War caused too many deaths and unfair

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