
What Makes Donald Trump A Good President

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There’s a reason we don’t let brand new pilots in the left seat of passenger jets. They might look like they know how to fly, but really they only know how to crash. And there’s a reason that if Donald Trump is elected president, he will destroy America’s foundation.

The Ig Nobel Prize is given to those who make earth-shattering observations which on their face are hilariously funny, but deeply true just the same. Justin Kruger and David Dunning won theirs in 2000 for a paper entitled “Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficulties in recognizing one’s own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessements.” The entire paper can be summed up with this one graph:


Donald Trump is at the pinnacle of confidence in every category of Making America Great Again™, and expert in only one: Making Donald Trump Look Great*. We could have a …show more content…

It doesn’t matter if his term is marked with peerless efficiency or (more likely) unsurpassed fecklessness. He doesn’t know enough about ends and means to know how incompetent he is at both. Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett wrote this about Trump in 1979:

Trump’s problem is not so much what he’s done, but how he’s done it. I decided at the start that I wanted to profile him by describing his deals — not his lifestyle or his personality. After getting to know him, I realized that his deals are his life. He once told me: “I won’t make a deal just to make a profit. It has to have flair.” Another Manhattan developer said it differently: “Trump won’t do a deal unless there’s something extra — a kind of moral larceny — in it. He’s not satisfied with a profit. He has to take something more. Otherwise, there’s no thrill.”

The presidency is Trump’s ultimate deal. Politics has run in the Trump family for a century. Spreading the cash around to acquire political favors is a Trump mainstay–it was for dad Fred and it is for Donald. The apple has not fallen far from the

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