
Was Andrew Jackson Democratic

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As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. What exactly is a democracy? Democracy is defined as a government that follows the wills of the people. In other words, democracy is rule by the people. For the most part, Jackson’s presidency was extremely democratic. To elaborate, Jackson was democratic during the Spoils System as was merely trying to involve more everyday citizens. However, he was not democratic when he encouraged the relocation of the Native Americans westward. To further re-establish his democratic rule, he pursued the interest of the majority of the people: to demolish the Bank. All in all, Jackson’s actions as president were done in favor of the best interest of the people.
Jackson was democratic throughout the Bank War. According to our definition of a democracy, a government that follows the wills of the people, Jackson followed this.The …show more content…

The Indian Removal Act was when the John Marshall who was chief justice in the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee could remain on their land. However, Jackson who was trying to please the majority of the people decided otherwise and ordered the removal of the Native Americans to their own set of land west of Mississippi. The Native Americans did not want to leave their homeland. In the document, they stated that that area is unknown to them and that it is badly supplied with food and water. They also made the point that their neighbors would speak a totally different language than them, therefore, communication would be difficult. This being said, Jackson gave the terrible farming to the Native Americans while the settlers got the fertile soil, which is unfair. Therefore, the Indian Removal Policy is not democratic because the Native Americans did not want to leave their home territory but Jackson and the government forced their

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