
Was Andrew Jackson A Villain Or A Hero?

Decent Essays

Ka-ching! The man behind the counter had just received a $20 bill with Andrew Jackson's face on it. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. He is controversial of being either a villain or a hero. He is controversial because he cleaned up the land of Indians for the Americans. Some call this good because he cleared up land, some call it bad because he disrespected the Indians. Andrew Jackson was also nominated as president because he won the battle of New Orleans and commanded his army to win with very little casualties. But the things he did as president were not as good as the things he did before. Andrew Jackson should be replaced on the $20 bill because he slaughtered and drove Indians out of their homes, changed …show more content…

Andrew Jackson was all about moving westward and expanding, and he did anything to accomplish their goal. He warned the Indians to move and leave their homes and if they didn´t, he shot them. “President Andrew Jackson, a man of the frontier himself, supported the settler’s demand for Native American land. In his presidential campaign he had promised to back white settlers who wanted Native American land. ( Appleby, 2000 ) This shows that Andrew Jackson supported the idea to forcefully move the Native Americans off their land. He was the one who truly believed the westward expansion had to happen. He let his general kill the Indians if they did not move off their land. The significance of this is that Andrew Jackson did not care about other people’s land and their rights as long as the Americans got what they wanted. He even gave the order to kill the Indians if they did not leave their land. He was a villain for killing these …show more content…

Andrew Jackson did many things that were cruel and did not follow the rules. He invaded a fort and killed spanish soldiers in florida while James Monroe was being inaugurated as president. He also made tariffs that were unfair towards the southern states. When South Carolina rebelled and threatened to secede, Andrew Jackson forced them to listen because he argued that they elected him as president so they should listen to him. “Early in 1833, he persuaded Congress to pass the Force Bill, which allowed the president to use the United States military to enforce acts of congress.” Andrew Jackson did not take back the tariff, he threatened the state of South Carolina with the Military. Andrew Jackson was still abusing control and using fear to manipulate his country. Some people say that the tax evened the country out and made people want to buy goods inside the country. This may be true, but the economy would be greatly buffed if they export as well to make money from other countries and sell inside the country. Also, it is not right to use force to rule your country. The significance of this is that Andrew Jackson abused his powers in order for the country to run the way he thought it should. A state even threatened to

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