
Warren Court Case Analysis

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the Supre Court history, Warren has become one of the mayor changes that shaped the future of the United States. Druing that time, the court faced very important cases. For example, Brown v. Broad of Education (Driver, 2012). The Warren Court deciced to make racial segregation unconstitutional in 1954 (Driver, 2012). Justice Earl Warren was the head Cheaf from 1953 to 1969 (Driver, 2012). This time was the landmark of a new era for America. People began to want change because of the strong racial profieling. By having a liberal and understanding court the country would be reform. This can be seen in a positive or negative way. This paper would explain the implications the Warren Court had in todays police work. During the 1950s to the 1960s, Warren took over the Supreme Court which become very unique. The debate about the Warrent court was that they were to focus on the judicial sphere rather than the democratic one(Driver, 2012). The Justices at that time created hope in people; they would transform constitutional law. The court alter rulings and it all begain with the case with Brown v. Board of …show more content…

In cases like Monroe v. Pape as well as Mapp v. Ohio and Miranda v. Arizona there was police miscoduct that lead to this rulings (Jaros, 2014). The Supreme Courtcided to regulate the actions of the police. Limits are being set by the Warren court. This implimitations are being made to shape the future. Today, officers have to follow many laws especially the constitutional law. There were some disagrements on wether the court has jurisdiction on policing the police (Jaros, 2014). In fact they do. Everything begins with the poeple on the streets. Police officers are the first on scene and the ones who booked the criminal for the courts to take care of them. In this era, the misconduct of officers was increasing. There are articles and doctrines in plces for the police and the court to

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