Warning Label Explanation Speech
Man in the Mirror
With this speech I was able to conquer many factors such as letting my words coming out in a voice tone the way I intended it to be. I was able to deliver my main points just like I practiced. I was able to create an outline according to what I expected to deliver to my audience. However, once again I allowed my nervousness to get a little bit of my power and confidence. Because of my anxiety I did not create a true connection with my listeners (classmates). I recognize that I fail in keeping a good eye contact with my classmates. Also, I have to work better with the pausing between my sentences to emphasize my points more effectively. Additionally, I failed in explaining some details to make couple of my points more clear, but inside of me I feel proud of myself for such a nice beginning. Even though I have to relax a little more, trust more in myself, and set aside all the thoughts that interfere with my success during my presentation, I am excited about this experience.
The chapter 2 speaks about the first speech’s development. It gives important keys for creating a strong speech. One of the basics structure is creating a powerful outline that will provide me with the points that I need to deliver my presentation’s message effectively. Creating an effective outline is a fundamental key to keep my speech well organized. The best way to create an outline is starting with the body, for it is the “main course” of my dinner,
Secondly, I think I need to improve on my transition. This is important, because it helps tie my speech together. Thirdly, I need to use more positive visualization. Before starting my speech, instead of thinking "I'm going to be terrible out there" I need to imagine myself getting tons of laughs while presenting with the
During the presentation, I was nervous and was jumping around a lot (according to other classmates). I think I spoke loud enough and I memorized the proceure and materials, but not all of the conclusion
However, I recall that the minute I began the first few lines of my real performance, my heart pounded fast and my voice wavered. I have heard that this anxiety is quite usual, especially when one is a novice speaker. However, I managed to stabilize after a second or so, and was able to gain control of my emotions. One of my peers also observed my gesture of putting my hands in my pockets quite often during the presentation. My friend, Joshua, noticed I slurred a couple of my words in my poem. Although these mistakes were completely sub-conscious, it is important for me to correct them as they could be potential sources of distraction for the audience and can steal their attention away from the actual performance. Some of my friends advised me to memorize my poem by thinking about some analogies, but I refused to do so as I wanted to actually know the symbolic meaning of my poem. I believe that the key to delivering a good performance is practice, confidence and knowledge of matter, not performing from pure memorization! My opinion on spoken word this year has still not changed, and I still believe it is essential to include into this year's curriculum. I have reflected on my weaknesses, and am ready to perform better in the near
The overall content of my speech was thorough and easy to follow; however, I need to work on being more concise so that I do not have to rush through my speech. Because I had so many detailing factors, I had trouble fitting all of my information within the time range of no more than seven minutes. I was extremely nervous prior to delivering my speech, and I believe that this nervousness played an immense factor in my poor delivery. For example, while practicing my speech I tried to speak slowly and move my hands in order to emphasize certain points; however, when it came to the actual delivery of my speech, I felt very overwhelmed and neglected to execute these essential components. Another area of improvement in my presentation was my usage of notecards.
Comparing to my pervious speeches, I thought I was more confident and effective. Since we were in the small room, I made sure that the tone and volume of my voices were balanced. Moreover, throughout the speeches I used various hand gestures to help me get connect with the audience. Preparation is one the most effective way to improve in any kinds of speech. Therefore, I could have done better by practice and preparing more.
it all in the presentation I was very nervous and talked fast. I am afraid that it didn’t go as well.
The chapter 4 in the book Well Spoken was a very detailed and thorough part of what to do I in and pause and what to include and what to leave out of a speech. A great example of this is the six questions located on the very first page of the chapter. They are asking very simple yet meaningful things to ask yourself before presenting because if you cannot answer them your audience will surely be lost. The writer then answers and defines each question giving you proper knowledge on how to see your own speech. My favorite example is the connectors even the first sentence is an interesting and good thing to use in your intro it states “Speeches are most effective if the listeners believe the speech was designed specifically for them.” This is something that will greatly improve your speech because you and your audience would listen to you if it was about them or was
Before I knew it, my time to present arrived, and even though I was somewhat confident in myself, I still had those presentation jitters. There was no way around the presentation, so I got in front of the classroom and gave it my all. I finished after about twenty minutes, including a question session by my teacher, and my classmates all clapped for me when it was over. My teacher said that my presentation was really great and even claimed that I had a college quality presentation! From that moment on, I realized that English is not so bad after all, and that I have all the skills needed to conquer the
I felt more comfortable during this speech than I had in my previous two speeches. I’m not sure if it was because of how much I love the topic of aviation, or if it’s because I’m getting more and more exposed to public speaking. Nevertheless, I haven’t yet viewed my speech as I’m writing this, but I felt that I hit my goals of limited uh/ums, more movement, and staying organized in order to hit every point.
Attention Material (This step helps us focus our attention on you and your message. It is suggested that you begin with a story, quote, statistic, definition, use of suspense, etc. Never begin with, "Hi I am ___ and today I am going to talk about ___."):
My “Life in Bag” speech I felt went fairly well, I was surprised at how nervous I was presenting. I am interested in seeing how the next presentation goes, when I am explaining my career. Prior to the presentation I was a bit nervous not terribly though, I went second in the class so I didn’t have much time to worry about it. During the presentation I was far more nervous. It is different talking about you, once feelings are attached; it’s simpler to discuss something you have knowledge about but not a personal connection. The other thing that was different and a bit uncomfortable was being graded, I guess I know I am being judged when I present for work, however, I am in control of the room and that is new feeling. It was funny because
Even though I have not received my evaluation sheet for this time, many of my previous mistakes did not seem to emerge. While watching a total of seventeen other presentations, two stuck out in my mind, including: Stock Martin who did a splendid job of knowing his material and Lauren Hoffman who had a remarkable vocabulary. Every person has their own weaknesses and strengths, but Stock and Lauren’s delivery appeared most suitable to me. After learning from my mistakes in our prior assignments, I believe my positive abilities stood out more than my negative ones. The one down side I caught myself doing repeatedly was saying the phrase “and then” while demonstrating the folds to make the paper swan. I hope this flaw is overcome by practicing over and over again. For my next speech I intend persuading my audience that God is very much alive, as long as this topic does not offend anyone. With the casualties that are occurring from school shooting, homicides, and the highest suicide rates of all time, we need God more now than ever. One of my more favorable parts about doing this speech was that we had plenty of time to work, study, and practice performing in front of one another before our actual class at Amarillo College. I really enjoyed spending time on this and I can’t wait for our next
Although my speech was strong in organization, clarity, and the support and explanation of my ideas, it still had weaknesses that I need to work
(e) Prepare an outline of your speech (see e.g. Topic 8.4.4,p.174)keeping in mind the purpose of your speech(topic 9). Use complete sentences to express your main points and supporting statement in the introduction, body, and conclusion or any other content structure that may be appropriate. E.g.
Completing this introduction speech was a great experience for me overall I thought. I was actually first to complete my introduction speech amongst my peer classmates, so I driven to set the bar high and leave an example for the rest the class. Grading myself from the rubric on a scale of 100, I would grade myself at a 79.5% which would round up to a 80% which is a B on the grading scale. For the learning expectations for this assignment, I demonstrated effective delivery techniques and I created an identity that lets the class know who I am. I can admit that I struggled with the ability to organize information and present it a well organized form for my audience to grasp.