
War on Terrorism Essay

Decent Essays

The War On Terrorism

Every morning, millions of people around the world begin their day by reading the newspaper. News topics are constantly discussed in everyday life and remain the dominant topic of conversation between friends, family, and even strangers. It is our responsibility as a modern society to recognize all events that impact our lives and make others aware of them, and newspapers as well as the general media allow us this opportunity. The New York Times, a worldwide newspaper, offers us a chance to become informed of worldwide current events while also offering insight into the development of society as seen through the eyes of the media. Through developing an archive of New York Times articles over a period of several …show more content…

Considering this, I have chosen articles for this chapter that seem most pertinent in the general overview of the response to these attacks, and through reviewing them one can clearly see the escalation of the American public’s grief and desire for revenge and closure.
The development of man’s intellectual ability and understanding of the world around him can be most readily seen in the continued development of science and technology. Whether it be new advancements in medicine and healthcare or improvements on missiles for the anti-terrorism war, science and technology breakthroughs reassure us that our culture is thriving and continuing to expand our horizons.
As an economic giant in the worldwide scheme of business, the United States has a great focus on economical development and relations with foreign countries. The stock market has drastically changed in response to the terrorist attacks, and this in turn has led to a great impact on the lives of billions. The World Trade Towers, a symbol of our economic prowess, have fallen, but the American desire to move forward in the field of world business has compelled me to include this aspect of life in my archive.
Although economics fuels our society from a business standpoint, the development of the mind is a practice that can never be rivaled. Through arts and entertainment, man is able to find what he is most

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