
Walter Cunningham Prejudice

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Judging others for things they cannot control is a central element of human nature. From race to disabilities, people are quick to make generalizations based on labels others are born with. For example, in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, prejudice against others because of their family and social class is a major topic. The novel uses many of its characters to demonstrate how this type of prejudice affects people. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee demonstrates that prejudices in a community limit how community members can succeed and be happy in life. Prejudice causes people to see poor children like Walter Cunningham as helpless trash, which limits disadvantaged children’s goals and aspirations in life. Walter Cunningham …show more content…

The townspeople are confused by the Radleys because they did not socialize like the rest of the town. Scout explains, “The Radleys, welcome anywhere in town, kept to themselves, a predilection unforgivable in Maycomb” (Lee 11). Just because they want some privacy and do not do things like everyone else, the people of Maycomb create this theory that the Radley family is strange and different and that can explain all of their behavior. After Boo and some of his friends lock a man in the courthouse closet during a petty juvenile crime spree, his father completely isolates him from the outside world and he is never seen again. The people of Maycomb, rather than question the extremely suspicious situation, assume that it is just another strange thing the Radley’s do. The prejudice towards the Radley family prevents them from realizing that something horrible is happening to Boo. Instead they dehumanize Boo and make him seem like a monster who deserves what has happened to him. The townspeople’s believe Boo is another strange Radley who does what he does because of his last name instead of using reasoning to realize he is trapped in his

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