
Walt Disney Struggles

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Walt Disney. He has been a household name for over 80 years. He was the driving force behind the classic Disney films as well as Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. Everyone knows the outcome of his success but what about the struggles and failures that helped shape him? His childhood adventures, his struggle to have his own successful studio and his grand ideas for a theme park. Sometimes it the struggle that makes the man and Walt Disney is no exception.
Walter Disney was born December 5, 1901 to Elias and Flora Disney. ( His father Elias wanting to move the family away from the crime in Chicago moved the family to Marceline, Missouri where he had bought some farm land. Walt loved that town and it would later become his inspiration for Main Street USA. (Barrett, 1991) Walt loved adventures and …show more content…

Walt only made it through the 7th grade. He dropped out and started working odd jobs to help sustain his family. At the age of 16 he lied about his age to join the Red Cross. After about a year in France as an ambulance driver he came home and started to pursue his dream of drawing. He got a job at an animation company and that was the match that lit Walt’s passion for animation. While working he decided he wanted to start up his own business, so he up and quit his job and created a startup company “Laugh-O-Grams”. The company didn’t last long so he picked up and moved out to Hollywood to be with his brother Roy. That’s when the Disney Studio was born. It was at his studio when Walt met and fell in love with Lillian Bounds. The two married in June 1925. They had 2 daughters Sharon and Diane. With his family life thriving the studio had taken a hit. The studios star was Oswald the Rabbit was stolen by Walt’s business partner named Charlie Mintz as well as almost all of Disney’s animators. It was then when it looked like there was no hope that Mickey Mouse was born. (Gabler,

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