
Wall-E: Movie Analysis

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Gaia was a young naive girl but when her parents were taken away from her she starts to question everything she believed in and is really bothered by how everything is not how it seems. “In the three weeks since her parents had been gone, Gaia had had no news about any of them…Her nights were riddled with nightmares” (O’Brien). Gaia is worried about her parents. She is now alone and she is scared but because she was worried about her parents she made the choice to go against everything she believed in. “...but she found the woman's passivity disturbing...”(34). During this scene she took the baby away from his mother. She expected the mother to start crying or show some kind of negative emotion but the woman just stayed right where she was and didn't put up a struggle. …show more content…

“Well, I’m sure our forefathers would be proud to know that 700 years later we’d be… doing the same exact thing they were doing” (Stanton, Wall-E). The Captain is bothered by the lack of diversity and change from the last 700 years. He begins to question the society he lives in and becomes more curious with the world, and through learning more about the world he begins to gain his humanity. “That’s all I’ve ever done! That’s all anyone on this blasted ship has ever done. Nothing!” The Captain has been bothered by how people in this society are lazy they don’t do anything. He wants to make a change, he wants to make a difference, and he wants to be

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