
Walking Around Barefoot

Decent Essays

AbNorm Assignment

For the last week, I’ve been walking around barefoot. Not too many different things have happened because of it. I’ve only gotten a few comments on it, but the most common thing I got was the dirty looks. The worst part of it was going to the bathroom. Oh, the looks I got then... I got asked by a few teachers like people about it. The only students that asked already knew that it was for this class.

I had to go get approved by the director to be able to do this assignment. None of my actual teachers had a problem with it. They just asked questions like aren’t your feet cold? Or why are you not wearing any shoes? There was only one person who actually had a real problem with it. I was paying for my lunch, and the lady, who I was paying, yelled at me and told me to go put my shoes on. I didn’t even try to explain to her. …show more content…

It was mostly when I was in the bathroom, but also just between walking class to class. It was as if I had the plague, no one would stand by me or wash their hands in the sink next to mine. Yet, no one said anything. I tried talking to them and they just stayed quiet until I finally left.

I went shopping at Wal-Mart the other day, and I got some weird looks, but no one said anything to me. I once heard a little boy shout, “See mom! Why do I have to wear shoes but she doesn’t?” I didn’t get the chance to hear the mother's retort. Other than that, nothing else happened.

I find it odd that there were not any more instances where I was talked to or yelled at. I figured that I would be asked about it a lot, or at least hear others talking about it to each other. It was mostly just the looks and teachers making sure that I had the A-OK for my

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