
Wahls Bullying

Decent Essays

While Wahls’ dealt with a more serious type of bullying to due to his parents. Everyone in the entire world has dealt with some sort of bullying for one reason or another. During my elementary school days, I don’t recall ever being bullied. We were all so young and had not experienced enough of the world yet to pick out difference and become afraid of those differences so there was no need for anyone to bully. It was not until my years in middle school where I began to realize that not everyone was raised to appreciate or at the very least respect people’s differences. I remember in seventh grade actually being fearful of going to school because this one girl constantly would threaten to beat me up for no reason at all, other than the fact …show more content…

The middle school I attended is here in town, but it is located right next to Mercy Hospital, but also near a neighborhood of low income families. Which is the same neighborhood said girl was from. Some may say bullies project the negative feelings they have inside about themselves on to someone else, but I don’t believe that for this case. In Wahls’ case, he was not bullied by his pupils because they were poor or had feelings of hate on themselves, he was bullied because he was different and no one understood the difference. In a way we both had a somewhat similar experience because of our differences we were not always able to connect with people. Threats and name calling are not the only types of bullying though. There is also the one that actually might hurt the most and that’s being excluded from groups. Everyone gets excluded but it hurts the worst form your friends. Not all of Wahls’ friends knew right away that he had two moms and not all of my friends understood why I felt the need to always comment on things, even those that didn’t really need a response. He felt different because he did not have a dad and others took that in the …show more content…

Things I would say would get pushed out of the way or ignored, so I would try my best to basically force them into being heard. In our generation now though, we are generally an accepting group and while we may still partake in “cliques” as a whole we are a lot more open to the idea of change and differences. We have grown up in an ear or time where people have been getting praised for that. In my later years of high school, I don’t recall being bullied at all because most of us had grown up enough to realize that our differences were what makes everyone unique and individuals. Unfortunately, Wahls’ did not grow up with such luxury, since most of the elders in his generation were still heavy on the Bible is everything and correct. There was no room for adjustment in most eyes. In a sense, if you could have a better bullying experience than someone, I would say I had the advantage over Wahls’. I had a mom and dad, and we were a middle class family, working just to make ends meet sometimes. My family seemed normal to most on the outside so I was never attacked from all angles like

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