
Volunteering Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout my life, I have always wanted to help people in any way that I can. That is why since i was young, i have done anything I can to help those in need. My earliest memories of volunteering is when i was 7 years old, I went with my dad and other people from my church to give the sacrament to people in a old folks home, sometimes having to help feed it to them because they were unable. since then, i have tried to keep that spirit of volunteerism going. Another example of how I helped volunteer was after the oil spill in the gulf of mexico. When i was ten my boy scout troop went down to Galveston beach and spent the day cleaning plastic and other waste off the many beaches there. Two years later when I was twelve, I went again with my boy scout troop and we spent a few weekends in a row doing various …show more content…

One weekend we planted trees at a neighborhood park, and the following weekend we went to a local preschool and helped rebuild their playground that had been destroyed in a flood in Houston. Since then I have tried my best to keep my good deeds going. After moving to Kwajalein in 2016, I was moved by the massive poverty on the nearby Ebeye island. Because of this, I gathered my old toys from when I was young and donated them to the kids on Ebeye, seeing as they needed them more than I did. As well I have helped set up the last two basket auctions with my mom, and have volunteered at the Bargain Bazaar as well. When I temporarily moved back to the United States and attended Edmonds Community College, I wanted to keep volunteering in anyway I could. I went with some other people from school and helped pickup international students from countries such as Korea, China, Indonesia, and France. I knew how they felt moving to a new country where they did not speak the language, and decided to help them

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