
Volkswagen Of America Essay

Decent Essays

BBUS 521 Enterprise IT Management
Case 3: Volkswagen of America
Volkswagen of America (VWoA) is the North American subsidiary of VW Automotive
Group. They are faced with a common problem of having more funding requirements than available budget. They must come up with a means of prioritizing the over 40 projects that have been proposed by the 10 business units within VWoA, including IT-specific projects. The challenge faced by the chief information officer (CIO) of VWoA, Dr. Uwe Matulovic, is to ensure priorities of projects are aligned to the corporate strategy and that IT projects specifically are a means to enable the strategy and drive business value, and not just be considered an obstacle.
Case 3 questions:
1. Define acronyms …show more content…

b. DBC stands for Digital Business Council and is responsible for categorizing projects, assessing their business impact, discerning their alignment with goals, and making trade-off decisions, with the goal of reaching a final list of projects that should be funded.
c. ITSC stands for IT Steering Committee, or Information Technology Steering
Committee. It guides and approves the process of IT project selection and prioritization. d. PMO stands for Program Management Office, which is responsible for managing all IT projects, establishing standards of operations and framework for project status reporting and reviews. It is a subsection of the BPTO, and carries out the process, as approved by the ITSC.

e. NRG is known as Next Round of Growth, which is an organizational readiness program which defines the goal, function, and organizational changes required to enable the new global product diversification strategy.
2. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of
a. It is a very structured approach to identifying opportunities, categorizing them, identifying dependencies and prioritizing projects. There seems to be a lack of understanding how technology projects impact the business, as well as

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