
Voices In The Civil Rights Movement

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Voices The Civil Rights Movement was one of the biggest movements because it was a series of movements that wanted to end racial segregation and discrimination. To better understand American culture and the value of listening to different voices than our own, we must learn from the consequences of the past so that we do not repeat the same mistakes. One of the many events we can learn from is the Civil Rights Movement. Patterson extends the claim by stating, “We - who stand aside in imagined rectitude and let the mad dogs that run in every society slide their leashes from our hand, and spring” (Patterson 9). Patterson is saying that at the time there were white people who didn’t agree with the abuse, but they did not help stop it at all. We need to take action if anything is happening that should not be happening, we must get the courage and stand up against it. Another quote that extends the claim is, “We created the day. We bear the judgement. May God have mercy on the poor South that has so been led.” (Patterson 10). Patterson realizes that even it is still the fault of the whites, whether they were against it or for it. They were the ones who allowed the severity to get worse. He believes that they should have challenged the people …show more content…

Martin Luther King is apologizing to the whites for being “impatient”. But he wants them to know that they have been blowing them off for everything, even after they got their citizenship and their rights back. He knows that they have been just giving them lies after lies and they are tired of it. King gave them a legitimate reason to be “impatient” and was polite. He thought that the whites would be more mature and would move on from the segregation and racism. King extends his statement by explaining how the whites will go out of their way just so that they can ruin their

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