
Vladimir Lenin Research Paper

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Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as simply Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary leader and founder of the Soviet Union and the Marxism–Leninism political ideology. He was born on April 22, 1870 in Ulyanovsk, a very small town in a western-central district in the Russian Empire. He was the third of six children of a Russu-German couple, some of which ended up initiating controversial political stir-ups against the Tsar at the time.

Growing up, he and his family, like most Russians, were not very favourable of the Tsar Nicholas II. The Tsar’s rule was nothing to them but a hipocratic dictatorship regime which focussed more on opression and battling democracy than on developing the Russian Empire as a whole. Russians, who only recently were freed from feudalism, were struct by their version of the Industrial …show more content…

The Balshaviks win the war and founded the Soviet Union. Russia was devistated after the war since not only did over 8 million people died during the war, the nation was plagued with famine and inflation. Lenin proposes the New Economic Policy, allowing farmers to sell their crops, and dies shortly afterwards in January 21, 1924.

Lenin was, even decades after his death, the icon of the Soviet Union. Infact, when he died, over 300,000 Russians lined up to see his mummified body in what was one of the world’s largest and longest funerals, lasting over five days. The Soviet people loved Lenin as after hundreds of years of oppression from the Tsars, he was the one who freed them and created the modern Communist views of Leninism. Over the course of Soviet history, statues of Lenin were built in every city in Russia, pictures of him were painted in every school and the Soviets went as far as to deploy a picture of Lenin as a child into

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