
Vladimir Lenin Research Paper

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Vladimir Lenin was a Russian communist, revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. Born as Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, I will share information on his life, his beliefs, changes he made to his nation and the effects of these changes. Lenin was born April 22, 1870, in Simbirsk, Russia. He was born into a wealthy middle class family with six other siblings. Growing up, education was a huge part of his childhood. He finished first in his high school class and had a huge love for Latin and Greek. There were two situations that had a major impact on Lenin's life. The first involved Lenin's father. He was a school inspector and was threatened with early retirement because the government worried public schools had too much power. Shortly …show more content…

In 1917, he seized control of Russia. He used the slogan " peace, bread and land " to gain support. Lenin believed in the model of communism. He felt capitalism was unfair because it created a very large poor class and a very small wealthy class. Lenin saw that taking place in Russia. Early in his life, Lenin read a lot on Karl Marx. He looked to a book titled "The Communist Manifesto" written by Marx and Friedrich Engels. The focus of this work was on the unfairness between the rich and the poor. Lenin shared this vision of equality. He believed in a society controlled by the people where everyone was equal. This included ideas like no more private property , government control of education, and government owns and controls all communication and transportation. Lenin took Marx's views and further developed them. His one goal was to place Russia under Bolshevik control as quickly as possible. Although he gained support, it was a confusing time for Russia. Lenin's radical positions caused even greater division. At times, he had to change his extreme positions just to get some support back and secure power. Lenin was smart and a great thinker, and did what he felt necessary to reach his

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