
Visual Rhetoric Analysis

Decent Essays

Haley Seay Ms. Tracey Thornton ENC 1101 Visual Rhetoric Analysis 2 October 2012 Advertisements are the most commonly used way to sell and market a product or message. Although we may not realize it while watching or seeing the advertisement, there are many underlying factors that cause us to buy into the advertisement. Whether it may be the color, picture, text, or sound; the advertisers find a way to draw us in without even a second thought. Many advertisers focus on guilt, they try to find a soft spot with in us by showing us those that are less fortunate than us. “Don’t you feel bad that you are so fortunate and these people are living like this? Give to them, help them, give up your luxuries, and share with them.” This is the …show more content…

No. This advertisement is targeted to make us feel this way, to make us feel as though we can do more. Are they going to congratulate any Americans for donating money to underprivileged people in our own country? No. Again, it is the emotional appeal. Guilt, shame, and a little bit more guilt. Nowhere does it say that Americans are greedy or selfish, and nowhere does it say that we have to donate. But by looking at this image we see that we get something we want with money that could buy them something they need. So is it a dig at Americans? The answer to that is yes. If you take notice of the clothing that the people in these advertisements are wearing than you will notice that their physical appearances are also contributing to the message that the advertisement is trying to convey. The images will make us look at ourselves and compare our physical appearances to theirs, which adds on to the guilt factor that the company is trying to make us feel. Everything that is going on in the image is adding on to the emotions that they want us to feel. The appearance of the people especially makes us feel that way. The writing on the image does that as well, it compares the cost of our luxuries and the cost of their necessities to live and puts It right there in front of our eyes. Seay 4 Do you still feel guilty about your big spending? Or do you think that Cordaids “People in need” campaign is just down right

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