
Visual Analysis By Amenophis III And Akhenaten

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Below is an analysis of a picture in a tomb named Daily life in Ancient Egypt. The source depicts daily peasant life of farming, which was created for an Egyptian official named Ramose, one of the State Administrators. The pharaohs of that time went by Amenophis III and Akhenaten. It was made on wall panel in the tomb of Ramose. The resting place was created out of exquisite fine white limestone from the area. His tomb was create in around 1500BC to 1000BC. The painting was fashioned to decorate the State Administrator Ramose’s tomb in the valley of kings where many other pharaohs and high nobles were laid to rest. This location may have been chosen because of its fine-grained rock that permitted extraordinary decorations in full colour. The …show more content…

Paintings in Ancient Egypt were very descriptive this lead to some people becoming artist. This source is broken into three registers, like most artwork in Ancient Egypt stories are told in the shape of a snakes and ladders game. On the first register (the very bottom one) scene 1 it shows reapers with tools made out of wood and stone cutting the ripe wheat and barley. Scene 2 shows 2 men holding a net bag which the harvested crops are put into, behind them are either children or women that collect the seeds that fall out. Last scene of register 1 shows two men shovelling grain up and putting it all together whilst a higher in command is checking that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Register 2 starts off with 2 beasts of burden stamping and trampling the ear of the crops to get all the seeds out while someone follows to collect the stomped out seeds. Scene 5 showcase’s reapers tossing the grain into the air which blows the useless chaff away while the seeds drop. A pharaoh or maybe a god are posing in scene 6 while a servant is taking a sample to them to

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