
Violent Video Games: Article Analysis

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An article in "Psychology Today" discussed how studies have shown that video game players that play in a violent game such as Call of Duty will start to act aggressive due to the violent exposure in the game. The author states that in Call of Duty there is a scene where the player destroys a tank and must finish off an enemy character screaming for his life. The author than describes how virtual reality is going to replace video game consoles and make people less sensitive to violent acts, Rosenblum imagines that virtual reality will take games such as Halo or Call of Duty and increase the effects of desensitization by a factor of ten, if not fifty (Rosenblum 35). The author later states that researchers as well as industry figures are afraid of what violent content players are exposed to in video games. This article argues that the rise of video game and technological advancement has led to a desensitized culture amongst the younger generation which can lead to an increase in crime. In a similar article groups believe that people with autism spectrum disorder …show more content…

In one study a group looked at if recent mass shootings have prompted the idea among some members of the public that exposure to violent video games can have a pronounced effect on individuals with autism spectrum disorder (Engelhardt 1187). In the study, they assigned adults with and without autism spectrum disorder to play a violent and a nonviolent first person customized video game. After playing the games they assessed three aggression related outcome variables such as aggressive behavior, aggressive thought accessibility, and aggressive effect (Engelhardt 1187). The study results showed that Adults without autism spectrum disorder when compared to the adults that have autism spectrum disorder are not differentially affected by exposure to violent video

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