Video game violence has been a controversial subject for many years. Even the most simple, classic video games have had this topic pop up, dating back to the 1980’s, games like Space Invaders, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong. But more especially in modern video games, such as the Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto series. Many investigations attempt to analyze the idea that video games are making people more prone to violence, and even point to violence related events, some of said research information may be faulty. Within these investigations there will be evidence and proof for both parties and analyzing if they may or may not be valid, and considering the people behind the statistics and their claims. Most people that live in somewhat …show more content…
A good explanation of that comes from Marc Prensky: “The most explicit kind of learning in video and computer games is how to do something. As you play you learn, gradually or quickly, the moves of the game-how various characters, pieces, or anything else operate and what you can make them do.”(Prensky 20) He also has another article that explains exactly what is gained from these types of activities, stated here: “At the second level, players learn what to do in any particular game (and, equally important, what not to do).”(Prensky 21). So with that information, just because a game isn’t made for learning, doesn’t mean that said person cannot learn from said game. Many people also claim that video games cause people to become dumb and cause children to have poor grades in school. Some may say that belongs to the responsibility of the person playing the game or the parents of the child, limiting their play time and making time for them to study instead of playing video games. Video games also tend to generate a massive amount of revenue. A large part of the revenue has violence contained in those products. Ranging from cartoon violence to hyper realistic violence, it is still contained and still marked as such. “97% of 12-17 year olds in the US played video games in 2008, thus fueling an $11.7 billion domestic
The main argument of this article is that video games have a direct link to short term and long term aggression. The author presents this argument by providing studies from peer reviewed articles that all conclude that video games do cause an increase of aggression. The main point of this article is to answer the question, “Do violent video games lead to aggression.” The article is about the effects of violent video games leading to aggression. The author uses recent examples, like the Sandy Hook and Washington Navy Yard shooting. In both of these examples, the author cites that both shooters had a history with playing violent video games. The author uses a study which selected individuals to play violent video games for a certain period of time. The study would then compare the results to a group who played non-violent video games. The study concluded that violent video games cause a direct link in aggression due to humans reenacting the actions the characters within the video games perform.
Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, and Doom. Many know these games for their violent nature, stemming from their graphic scenes or gameplay involving shooting or beating up opponents, and these factors have caused these games to stir up quite a bit of controversy. For the last few decades, people have debated the effects of these games on the people who play them. Many believe those who play the games become more aggressive as a result of their violent nature, while others argue that playing the games has no effect on one’s behavior. Society should realize that violent video games have, at most, minimal effect on players’ behavior.
In the 90’s there was even enough media attention to video game violence that the United States Congress had a hearing on issuing age appropriate labels, much like in movies, to video games to warn parents of the contents of a game. Each of these matters have only helped further tarnish the reputation of video games, and draw worse misconceptions about them.
Moreover, many kids deal with violence and can’t control it. As a result of having issues with violence some people play video games to let their violence and anger out. People need to understand that “ [b]ut overall, violent crime is down in the US-indeed, as violent games have become more popular, violent crime has fallen." (Erik Kain 1) The more popular the game is studies show violent
Diverse surveys have presented uniform clues suggesting that publicity of violence is a vital risk component pertaining to hostile attitudes. Aggressive video game controversies are consequential on irregular grounds, ranging from the depiction of hostility, sexism, as well as ethnicity, alongside constructive portrayal of offensive conducts among others. Video gaming has been undeniably, evaluated for its connections to addiction along with hostility however, traditional varying assessments notably attained conflicting results. On the contrary, contemporary analysis have reported that exposure to insensitive video games would impose particularly a gradual rise in hostility, which might accordingly integrate with the actual
In Grand Theft Auto V, players are awarded a prostitute’s money once they kill her and forced to enact a torture session on someone to extract information from him; in the Call of Duty Franchise, players are prompted to gun down and bomb innocent civilians. These games are only a few examples of exposure to violence in a rising media form. Considering that “upward[s] of 90 percent of American children between the ages of 2 and 17 play video and computer games regularly” (Funk, 1993), the high content of violence in video games should be re-evaluated. Though not all violence in video games is depicted seriously, “most of the top-selling video games (89%) [contain] violent content” (Knowles et. al, 2001). There have been thousands of studies indicating a
Video Game Violence has been a big controversial topic for many years, going back to the most simple classic video games like Ms. Pac-Man, Centipede and Space Invaders,which eventually turned into more modern games like Destiny and Grand theft Auto. This research expands and analyzes the idea of how video game violence is always accused and put to blame for aggressive events and how the research of this is faulty . The way most people look at video games and how people try to connect them to violence could needs to be corrected. Within this research we will be looking very closely at how these studies and tests were done on violent video
“According to data recently released by The NPD Group, in 2012, U.S. video game software sales reached $6.7 billion (174.8 million units) and computer game sales were $380 million (13.2 million units)” (Improving Economy). To many, the violent video game industry has turned all adolescents into mass murderers. However, they’re absolutely wrong. Very seldom do adolescents who play violent video games commit acts of violence, and the ones who do usually have a mental disorder. Instead of blaming the tragedies that occur on violent video games, the news media should explain to people that a large percentage of young males play violent video games, indicating that the two are uncorrelated. They should alternatively research other possible solutions to the crisis. In lieu of negatively affecting people’s lives, video games could potentially improve their lives!
Do violent video games make people more violent in public and in general? Studies done by “Bureau of Justice Statistics; Entertainment Software Association’’ states that total violent crime is going down as computer and video game sales are going up. Some people think violent video games are the cause of school shootings and other violent crimes. As many as 97% of kids ages 12-17 play video games (contributing to the $21.53 BILLION domestic video game industry). More than half of the 50-top selling video games contain violence.
A significantly large portion of the video games created within the past 5 to 10 years contain some form of violence. On top of that, some of the most popular video games out in the market today are extremely violent and warrant an “M” rating for mature. Video game developers are well aware of this trend and continue to produce more graphic, interactive, and realistic content. Therefore, there is a concern that the vast amount of violence in video games is changing how youth develop and what they perceive as normal. Many researchers believe that there is a link between video games and increased aggression in the people who play them.
The effects of violent video games on children have been debated for years. Video games such as Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, and Fallout all include violent acts and behaviors that may affect young adults. Many children these days seem to be stuck to the screen, playing these types of games very frequently. This idea of how many young adults play violent video games is further developed in No Link Between Videogames and Violence by Tony Jarmusz, when Tony Jarmusz talks about the facts video games and who plays them by stating, “Violence sells, and estimates place the global video games market at almost $100 billion… one-third of American gamers are between the ages of 8 and 18, and they spend 73 minutes a day playing video games” (2). This
There is much persistent debate throughout culture these days concerning video games. Common questions asked are things like ?Where should the lines be drawn in terms of content? and What audience, if any, is this appropriate for? As lawyers fight, bizarre crimes are blamed on video games, constant studies take place, and technology continues to evolve, the video game world continues to thrive and be extremely profitable. While there is near-constant focus on the supposed ?negatives? of games like simulated killing, drug use, or sex, most people, especially those completely outside of gaming circles, fail to acknowledge that gaming of any kind can possibly have positive effects on players. While increased hand-eye
Playing video games does not cause violent behavior. Don’t get me wrong, some video games show horrific acts of violence. “A recent survey found that 92 percent of U.S. kids--ages 2 to 17--play video games, and their parents bought 225 million of them last year to the tune of $6.4 billion.” (Sider 79).What’s here to argue is that violent video games do not cause violence among children, but the blame for violence should be on the individual and people who should have taught the individual better. If kids are not able to see the difference between reality and fantasy, then they really can’t be blamed for committing acts they see in a game and then imitating, not fully understanding the consequences of doing it in the real world.
Violent video games are advantageous because they can help people relax and deal with social problems/stress. For example, “No study has ever shown that violent video games result directly in actual violence, let alone mass shootings” (Kain). Also, “None of these extreme acts, like a school shooting, occurs because of only one risk factor; there are many factors, including feeling socially isolated, being bullied, and so on,” said Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University” (qtd. In Carey). These quotes show that violent video games are not the reason for violence and shootings, hence they should not be blamed for these atrocious acts. Instead, violent video games should be looked on as a positive influence in people’s lives as they can help them stay preoccupied, and not have them focus on the negatives in their lives such as being bullied, not being socially welcomed and other dilemmas they may be experiencing. “In fact, numerous studies have been conducted and the results are mixed. Some studies have shown that video games increase aggression; others show the opposite” (Kain). In other words, even though some studies have shown that video games increase aggression; there are other studies that have shown video games releasing aggression and ultimately relaxing the player. Critics may argue that violent video games increase aggression and make people more violent. “Sure enough, compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had been engaged in “Mortal Kombat” were more aggressive across the board” (Carey). However, violent video games can relieve stress and aggression; calming them down and making them safer to be around.
Over the years, the popularity of computer and video games has grown. Specifically violent video games make up more than 50 % of the top selling games. These games include violent themes that involve guns, crime, blood, and gore. There is an ongoing belief that these types of games are to blame for the many acts of violence in society and have encouraged America’s youth to act out in aggression. Several organizations, such as the PTC (Parents Television Council) have moved to discourage the development of violent games while also pushing for stronger regulations when purchasing such games. There is also debate among parents and concerns on how games can negatively influence their children. So is there a direct link between video games and violence? The truth is video games do not encourage violence in society based on several factors which include scientific studies, statistics on crime, and prevention measures adopted by game publishers.