
Violence In Crime And Punishment, By Fyodor Dostoevsky

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Violence by definition is “the behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone”. Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment centers around violence and how it was exhibited throughout the novel. Specifically, the violence that occurs in the first part of the novel. In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky centers the novel around the main character, Raskolnikov, from beginning to end. He strongly hints at the thought of violence before it even occurs in the opening scenes. His character Raskolnikov takes the readers on a whirlwind of emotions and feelings with every part and chapter. Although Raskolnikov’s crime was a major attribute in the story, there were also other violent scenes throughout the novel that were grascuative. We, the readers, learn that with every scene, whether it be a violent one or not, has meaning behind it.
Dostoevsky obviously had a purpose when scripting the violent act and having it expand throughout the whole novel. He takes violence and proliferates it. He makes violence embody the character with …show more content…

He goes to “rehearse it” before he actually does it (Part I, chapter i). He is consumed with the thoughts going on in his head, that he cannot even begin to think straight. The day of the murder, he kills her with an axe and robs her. His intention was to only kill the pawnbroker but then her sister walked into the crime scene. Inevitably, he had to kill her as well. Not only does he bear the guilt of killing the pawnbroker, but also an innocent bystander. All Raskolnikov wanted to be was a superhero to his society. Raskolnikov was under the impression that the pawnbroker was stealing and as an act of heroism decides to kill him. He thought by killing the pawnbroker he was doing the world good. Hence his intention was never simply to kill. Raskolnikov misconstrued the actions that were

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