
Video Summary: A Case Study Of Gina And Lindry

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Gina and Lindry were already parents when they became pregnant with their second child. During Gina's first pregnancy, during labor, she only dilated to 5cm and ended up having to get a c-section. For her second delivery, Gina is trying to have a VBAC. This is a vaginal birth after casearean. When Gina's water broke and she was at the hospital, nurses monitored her progress and Gina did many things to help speed things along. Gina was having back pain, so she moved to being on all fours to help alleviate the pain, she took jacuzzi baths, she also walked the halls with her husband. Once Gina was fully dilated and able to push, she questioned her ability to have her baby vaginally but she succeeded and gave birth to a healthy baby. In the video,

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