
Video Games Should Not Be Classified

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Video games should not be classified as “bad” and if someone classifies them that way then hopefully they have some kind of different outlook after reading this. Where video games get this negative outlook is from the inglorious bastard genre of the “action” or first person shooter, when in reality, that’s one genre of 10’s if not 100’s of others that are established. Video games do in fact have beneficial attributes even though people think of them as addictive brainwashing mechanisms, and there are means to make video games a learning technique. Six experts on video games collaborated, and this is what they had to say. Daphne Bavelier and Shawn Green stated how video games have beneficial factors to them. They focused their attention on the 'action ' genre by saying that, " Indeed, playing this type of game results in a wide range of behavioral benefits, including enhancements in low-level vision, visual attention, speed of processing and statistical inference, among others" (Bavelier, Green, 2011). Action games deliver high intensity, faced paced decision making and processing; and with this exposure, players begin to harness their skills to judge situations quickly and act upon them. Each game differs from one another even in the same genre, and the ability for a gamer to not only hone in on fast processing and decision skills to support a pleasurable outcome, but it also affects their motor skills. Which is what brought Doug Han to say that, "Depending on the type of

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