
Video Games: Assassin Simulations Essay

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Video Games: Assassin Simulations

Video game violence has been a wildly debated topic since the beginnings of the industry. The topic evolved from the debate on media violence or violence in print media. However, the video game debate brings a new angle. Video games, because of their immersive nature, are said to have more impact on children. The proponents and opponents of video game censorship do not really fall into traditional political boundaries. The proponents of censorship tend to be some parents and doctors. Those opposed to censorship tend to be those who play the video games themselves. There is a center faction, however. The center faction consists of those doctors and psychologists who evaluate media violence on a …show more content…

He starts his argument out with a pathos-loaded quote from a random video game player:

"Playing with all the violence options enabled, I shot off enemies' legs. I shot off arms. I left chests and groins splattered with blood. Guts poked out of the hole I had drilled in an enemies' midsection." Is this a war story being told by a traumatized veteran? No! It's a review from the New York Times on a new video game--Soldiers of Fortune. (Brody 1)

Brody’s attempt at shock was very poorly done. He attempts to lure the reader into thinking he’s talking about some kind of battlefield, but botches it from the onset. He then presents to sets of facts, one which we must take his word on, and the other I know to be blatantly untrue. This may be my ethos over his, but I doubt anyone truly believes that “the core gaming audience is 8 to 14 year old males” (Brody 2). In the next couple of paragraphs he goes on a rampage, painting video games as more and more realistic killing simulators. Brody believes that every game should be politically correct, with correct gender stereotypes, no winners or losers, and no violence. Now, if someone was to buy his statement that most gamers are 8-14 year olds, these beliefs still would not hold water. What Brady is advocating is completely sheltering kids, and not exposing them to any of the realities of life. In addition, he totally ignores the rating system for games and chooses the most violent titles he can

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