
Video Game Violence Essay

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Halo, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, World of Warcraft, and Assassin’s Creed—these are just some of the violent video games that are commonly played by boys and girls, young and old alike in today’s society. Many experts fear that this violence in video games increases violence in people in real life, causing people to act out as if they were in the video game, increasing aggressive behavior so much that it could actually escalate to shooting, stabbing, and killing people. There have already been many cases of these extreme examples of violence in the news that share a connection with video games. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the infamous shooters in the Columbine shooting were obsessed with the game Doom. James Holmes, the shooter in the movie theater in Aurora was reported to say that he felt as if he was in a video game. Adam Lanza, had played the game Combat Arms for hundreds of hours and killed tens of thousands of people in the video game before making it a reality at Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 20 innocent children and 6 staff members (T. McGrath, 2014). Of course, most video game players do not end up killing people in real life, but many people fear that violent video games significantly increase aggressive behavior. Some experts do not believe that playing violent video games increases aggressive behavior because they say that there is not enough evidence to prove it but mounting evidence shows that violence in video games does indeed cause people

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