Importance of Video Conferencing Amongst all the methods of communication, the newest way of communication now days are through video conference. In this case you can establish communication through video seminar without going anywhere. It saves traveling time and money of organizing a costly seminar. . 1. Latest method of communication: The biggest advantage of this technology is that without incurring travel or other expenses we can meet people of remote locations. With the help of this technology business meetings, educational meetings, healthcare conferences and more can be easily conducted. 2.Importance to students: In this system education is imparted from one place and it is telecasted in different study centres.As a result, student located at different places can learn without traveling, through audio-visual method from their desks. Teacher can impart theoretical and practical teaching to students by using this technology. 3.Importance in Business: Businesses can now solicit new clients in a professional manner, provide presentations to key members with the help of video conferenecing.In video conferencing the possibilities for communication are endless because it stimulates knowledge sharing, brainstorming and information gathering. 4. Communication at a high speed: Participants staying at different places within a country or outside the country can establish direct communication through video confererncing.The speed of communication is very high and the
Mr. A and Mr. B can do a video conferencing effectively using the protocols SIP
While choosing the wrong medium to convey a message can be detrimental to the receiver’s ability to understand the message, geographical distance can also cause the information to be gabled. Lag times in the initial communication and feedback from that communication can cause misunderstandings. If the information does not get fully conveyed or gets conveyed too late because of long distances, it becomes useless. The best way to avoid miscommunication due to geographical barriers is to use the best method of communication for distances. With modern technology, video conferences and other electronic tools can keep information from becoming delayed and distorted.
Video conferencing allows for companies to hold recruitment interviews with candidates from across the country or around the world.
The quick access emailing, vigorous texting, calling, face-to-face video communication and the open message boards are
Face-to-face communication contribute to the successfully communication as well. Rick et al. (2009) found that because face-to-face communication is produced in real time, speakers have direct feedback on how their message is being understood as it is being delivered. In our discussion group, our entire group members insist of having group meeting in campus everyday contributed to the success of the discussion most. Face-to-face communication is able to make sure that each of us merely focuses on our discussion in the particular time. Despite the fact that face to face communication
text messages or even r video calling for over the world conferences using skype. Technology makes it easier for HR to communicate with the workforce.
The benefit of IT for work tasks is the ease of communication. Many attendees at a meeting may be invited quickly in one go rather than people
Despite of the fact that the staff were split between two office and constantly travelled to Latin America communication flow was effective on account of the established practice/systems and video-conferencing.
When it comes to specific discourse communities, many have a preferred way of communicating. For example, in the art community, emails are used more frequently than phone calls. Simply because it is more convenient for many artists to email than to call other occupied artists. Like the art community, emails are means of communication in the financial service sector, other channels of communication comprise of: teleconferencing (webinars, Skype), written communication, Instant messaging, texting and computer conferencing. The type of communication implemented varies based on the richness (the amount of information available in a given channel), control (the degree to which the communication process can be managed) and speed (the quickness a message exchange occurs). Intercommunication is an integral part of discourse communities since it allows people in a similar profession to communicate
Communication is easy since every operator is close to the others. This improves quality and coordination.
It is very easy to communicate through a network. People can communicate efficiently using a network with a group of people. They can enjoy the benefit of emails, instant texting, telephony, video conferencing, chat rooms.
Years ago, the final draft of a document went through several stages. The first draft was typed on a type writer, edited for corrections and revisions were made. It took time for the document to be read and reviewed by several persons before all corrections and additions were made. Then, the final copy was re-typed with corrections. Through the use of computers, grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be corrected and changed within the document instantly as the person types. Mailing documents took time as well. Someone had to make a trip to the post office, purchase postage, etc. With the use of virtual meetings, money is saved by eliminating the cost of travel. Participants can be actively involved without leaving their own office or home. When there are problems or urgency, solutions and reactions can occur quickly. There is acceleration of decision making with the use of technology. Communication can occur anywhere at any time.
The field of communications is one in which the technologies are changing on an almost daily basis. Numerous different technologies have been pursued over the past few years; each designed to essentially accomplish several basic purposes in terms of community service. Three of the most actively pursued application include interactive distance learning, video conferencing, and entertainment. While it is the first two, video conferencing and interactive distance learning, which would serve to the best advantage in terms of education and business; it is the last, entertainment which has the most appeal to the largest number of people. The application of various communications applications in
Thanks to the advantages of technology, teachers have difference ways to teach and share information with students. For instance, 10 years ago, white board is the only choice for teachers. The lessons are delivered by face to face communication between lecturers and students. They must come to class at the same time to study. Moreover, almost knowledge’s are selected from books. Nowadays, white board is replaced by projector and the lessons are shown on the screen
Over the last decades, it is generally realized that the educational technology has developed dramatically. Electronic media has benefitted the system of education in an enormous way. Electronic media is the media which uses electronics or electromechanical energy for the audience to access the content. Video recording, audio recording, multimedia presentations, CD-ROM and online content are all forms of electronic media and any equipment used in electronic communication process such as radio, television, desktop computers, laptops, electronic whiteboards, and electronic textbooks is also considered as electronic media. Education has become far more convenient as internet and social