
Video Analysis: Ted Talk

Decent Essays

Watch a Ted Talk video from on a topic, idea, or discussion of which you find interesting. After having watched the video write a two to three page double-spaced report on the video summarizing the key points/messages of the video while at the same time sharing your opinion on whether you agree or disagree with the premise presented in the video. If you happen to disagree with the premise, present a counter argument or alternative idea/opinion/solution to the one presented in the video. After the report, make a 5 to 10 minute Ted Talk video on a subject/topic which matters to you, while applying the principles of a Ted Talk. Each part of the assignment will be separately scored, 33.33% of your grade will come from the report, 66.66% from the Ted Talk …show more content…

Ability to organize information in a logical and well-thought manner. Total Score Usage of Critical Thinking Were you able to fully develop a position and convincingly convey your view on the subject? Total Score Final Score Ted Talk Video Grading Rubric (66.66% of Grade): Criteria Poor 0-1 Fair 2-2.99 Good 3-3.99 Excellent 4 Effectiveness of Application Ability to understand and apply Ted Talk principles. Ability to organize information in a logical and well-thought manner. Total Score Usage of Critical Thinking Were you able to fully develop a position and convincingly convey your view on the subject? Total Score Effectiveness of Communication What feedback or comments, if any, would you have to give to the Speaker in the video? Was the Video creative and did the Speaker show in your opinion an enthusiasm for the topic presented? Would you say you are able to understand the main theme and message that was presented in the video? Total Score: Final

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