
Victoria's Secret Thesis Statement

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Victoria’s Secret is a retail chain of lingerie, beauty supplies, and fragrances. The purpose of the line is to make females feel sexy, powerful, and young. They do not have a lot of lingerie for the more voluptuous females; however, what they do have makes the lady feel sexy and confident. Victoria’s Secret was created by a man – men know how they want their women to look like so he took his imagery of beautiful women to make his lingerie line. The images of this ad include four females in their bra and panties holding each other. There is a gray background with the words “I Love My Body." When looking at this ad, one may see just that – only four girls displaying lingerie. However, there is so much to this picture than what meets the human eye. To some it may seem like it is nothing, they are just posing; however, some may change the meaning because they are in their bra and panties. All the women in this ad are tall, lean, and fit. They …show more content…

There have been arguments against whether or not gay, and lesbianism, marriage and relationships should be accepted. Some may argue that it should – that one should be happy no matter whom they are with. On the other hand, others argue that it is just not right. They refer to the Bible and say that this is not what God wanted. In present day, society has come to accept female on female action as long as it is in a sexual nature. Our society finds that when a female is attracted and being intimate with another female that it is attractive. However, when male on male actions occur it is only tolerated in society, and not even as much as it could be. There is an understood “do not ask do not tell policy” when it comes to gay men. If it were four men in this ad holding each other this would be considered homosexual, but because these are beautiful women in lingerie, this is fine. There is a very thin, yet acceptable, line that the Victoria’s Secret ads tread

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