
Victor Frankenstein Compare And Contrast

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In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the main character, Victor Frankenstein, is an inventor who lacks the courage to nourish his monster and allow it to mature properly. If Frankenstein had raised his monster like a newborn son, the monster would have changed the world, proving that you can bring dead bodies back to life. I am similar to Victor Frankenstein, in that I am unable to bring my creation into reality. In the story, after Victor Frankenstein gives life to his creation, he becomes unable to cope with the gravity of the situation and leaves his creation alone in his apartment when his friend Henry summons him. When he gets back from his walk, he notices that his creation has disappeared, but instead of worrying and going to look for his creation he ignores it and tries to deal with other, seemingly more important, things in his life. He proceeds to pack up his belongings, leave Ingolstadt, and moves back to Geneva, where he plans to enter a new stage in his life with his new wife, Elizabeth. However his plans are …show more content…

A good example of this was about two years ago, during the summer, I came up with an idea for a pair of headphones that would light up. Initially, I drew up the plans to make them on my computer. Next, I wrote up a patent specification to get my idea patented, but was scared by complicated patent process. When school started back, I abandoned the idea to focus on homework and sports, the exact same way Victor abandoned his creation when it turned up missing. During that school year, I would be revisited by thoughts of how successful my idea could have been, but then started thinking about how it could negatively affect my life. It eventually got to the point that I would only think about wasting my time and money on something that wouldn't be successful, or that I would make a lot of money off of it, too early in my

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