
Victor A Tragic Hero In Frankenstein

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A Clichéd plot of a tragic hero story goes as follows: a hero is born with a dark background and soon notices a greater power within himself. But as the hero uses that power for good, it slowly consumes him both mentally and physically. In the end, the hero meets a dooming fate, mostly portrayed as death. “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley is a perfect example of a story which the hero is consumed by his own uncontrollable talent and power. Just as great trees are more prone to lightening, “Frankenstein” introduces a tragic hero whose power ultimately leads him to self-destruction To be a hero, skill is an essential thing. In this case, the main character Victor has the ability to create a live human being from the corpses. Driven both by his passion and obsession to contribute to the humanity, Victor ardently creates an eight-foot creature with an abnormal power called “Monster” in the story. The problem occurs when the Monster, after series of unfortunate events, become hostile to Victor and his loved ones. It ends up …show more content…

Victor’s circumstances draw sympathy from the readers as he is faced by dismal events. The story could be interpreted as the battle between the good and the evil, as it shows the protagonist chasing his nemesis. This is a wrong assumption. The story is biased toward the monster and provides unparalleled view toward it. It was Victor who made such decisions that brought the consequences to himself. Victor was the person who, in the first place, reluctantly refused to notify others about his creation. He was also the person who capriciously broke the promise and threw away his last possible salvation down the lake. Instead of being labeled as anecdotes of a poor man’s struggle, “Frankenstein” should be interpreted as a story of an extraordinary man who is fighting against the cruelest, the bitterest enemy that could ever exist,

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