
Veronica Roth's Divergent Essay

Decent Essays

Through Divergent by Veronica Roth the character Beatrice has changed from being a weak little girl to a strong and brave woman. Beatrice started to change the most towards the end of the book. At the beginning of the book Divergent Beatrice was a weak girl that watched the dauntless jump off the train every day. She always thought the Dauntless were interesting. “...the Dauntless prove their bravery by jumping from a moving train” (Roth 7). Beatrice had her sights set on joining the Dauntless. On the day of the faction test Beatrice is very nervous. It is the day that she gets to find out which faction she belongs. When Beatrice takes the test there is a slight problem with her results. Her results states that she belongs to …show more content…

Beatrice finding out she was Divergent really made her realize she was different. It also teaches Beatrice that she can’t tell anyone or she will be good as dead. At the choosing ceremony Beatrice chose Dauntless. Beatrice then realizes she will have to learn to become braver, stronger, and more selfless. In order to become Dauntless Beatrice will need to be ranked in the top ten after initiation. Initiation consisted of learning to shoot, throw knives, and fight. Beatrice doesn’t have much skill in any of these categories. Shooting guns helps Beatrice become more focused along with throwing knives. Fighting helps Beatrice became braver, stronger, and more mentally strong. In order to be ranked in the top 10 you need to be tough, brave, strong, and mentally strong. “I am proud. It will get me into trouble someday, but today it makes me brave” (Roth 57). This quote states that Beatrice is brave. One thing that proved Beatrice’s toughness was how she handled her injuries. She still continued to push herself even though she was suffering from many injuries. Most of her injuries were physical but some were mental injuries. The physical injuries consisted of bruises and

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