The Planet Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. It is the second planet from the sun. Very similar in size and mass as the Earth. Some distinctive features of Venus are its rotation, Its brightness and its hot temperatures, Venus rotates in the opposite direction of the other planets. Astronomers believe that this was caused by a collision with and object such as an asteroid. It takes Venus 225 days to orbit around the sun once. The brightness of Venus is greater than all the other planets. Only the moon is brighter. Venus can be seen during the day on a clear day. During early civilization Greeks thought that Venus was two different objects. When the orbit around the sun passes the earth's orbit Venus' visibility changes from being visible after sunset to being visible before sunrise. With a temperature of 462 C, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. Due to its rotation and the fact that it has no tilt, Venus has no seasons. The temperature is always hot. Venus' similarities with the planet earth make scientists believe that they also have the same type of structure, with an interior core, mantle and crust. The structure of Venus was shaped by volcanic activity. The surface is about 300 to 600 million years old. In 1970 the European space Agency performed missions on Venus that gave indication of volcanic activities in Venus. They have indicated that since there is no rainfall in Venus the volcanic eruptions are cause of the lightning.
These planets evolved so differently, because of their space from the sun. Making Venus hotter than earth and causing changes to the
Venus is a planet that isn't talked about as much as any other planet but, have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on Venus? You can, it would just take some time.
Although Earth and Venus are known as "The SisterPlanets" they both have varying factors. Today I will be talking about Venus. References of Venus go as far as 1600 BCE. It is named after the Roman
The air is not breathable by humans! Venus's atmosphere also contains traces of extra compounds and elements, such as neon, argon, carbon monoxide, and helium. Atmospheric pressure is over 90 times heavier than that of Earth; sheer crushing power. Clouds of sulfuric acid lay above a layer of carbon dioxide near the crust. These sulfuric clouds block most Muggle attempts to see Venus. On Venus, the climate changes all the time, from an extremely cold temperature to an extremely hot one. The temperature ranges from -364 to 870 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System, and yet it is Mercury that is the closest planet to the Sun, Venus being second in
For my vacation, my family has chosen to go to Venus. This our first year traveling outside of earth so we chose a planet close. Venus is covered with a thick layer of sulfuric acid which will be a blast to land into but on the inside Venus is solid. Venus shines super bright and has orangish yellow tint. The overall look of Venus is dreary and the gas covers the area with a goldish hue and everything looks like gunmetal. Venus is VERY hot, it temperature reaches to about 870 degrees Fahrenheit! On top of the scorching heat the Atmospheric pressure is bone crushing and highly dense.Venus is about 0.72 light years away from the Sun and blank light years from Earth. Venus is very much like earth and not very much like earth. Venus is about the same size as earth
Like Mercury it is a rocky planet. It's even hotter than its smaller cousin Mercury, with temperatures drastically increased by an unchecked system of greenhouse gasses. The temperatures also varied wildly, from a -364 degree Fahrenheit low to a 870 degree high. Venus also hosts wild winds, blowing at extremely high speeds at the poles while the air at the equator hangs at a standstill. This air is also extremely heavy, and weighs almost 90 times heavier than that on Earth. Venus is constantly covered in thick, sulfurous clouds. These clouds reflect almost 90% of the light that hit them, making Venus the brightest object in the sky besides the sun and the moon. They also contain droplets of sulfuric acid, which occasionally rains down on the planet's surface. These storms even contain
The atmosphere on Venus is composed of mostly Carbon dioxide with small amounts of nitrogen and sulphuric acid. This composition causes a runaway greenhouse gas effect that makes the planet even hotter than Mercury, despite the fact that Mercury is much closer to the sun. The air on Venus is incredibly dense due to the Nitrogen content, which, whilst admittedly is only a small part of the atmospheric composition, is at least four times the amount on Earth. This Atmospheric composition therefore creates a thick layer of
Venus's atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide. Nitrogen and clouds of sulfuric acid are also there. Nitrogen makes up three fourths of the atmosphere. This causes a greenhouse gas effect that heats the planet, making it even hotter than Mercury. Venus's clouds also shield the planet. Venus has wind speeds of up to 224 mph, keeping Venus's clouds in constant motion. The planet spins very slowly, only once every 243 Earth days, but the clouds circle the planet every four days. On Venus the sun's light rays usually fail to get through Venus's thick atmosphere. That means that Venus's temperature changes a lot from night to day. Venus's clouds appear to be white or yellow. That is why Venus's atmosphere and climate is the way it
Venus. The Mayans gave great importance to the planet Venus; they recorded its transit across the sky and used this information to create the Dresden Codex which contains the data for the full circle of this planet. The Mayans counted five repetitions of the cycle of Venus, each one with a length of 584 days, which correspond to approximately 8 years. In the Mayan mythology, Venus is the companion of the sun. The observed that Venus is always close to the sun in the sky, rising before sunrise as morning star or after sunset as evening star. Venus was so important to the Mayans that they decided some of their wars based some positions of Venus and
Venus: the atmosphere for venus is mostly filled with carbon dioxide and thick clouds of sulfuric acid cover the is told that you would not be able to breath the air, that the atmosphere would crush you with the weight, and you would burn to a crisp immediately. Even though it's the second closest to the sun it is the hottest planet that there is in this universe, that i know of. Venus is also known as the goddess of beauty and love for the Greeks and Romans. The next planet that
Hypothesis: Venus once had a moon, which came too close and caused a chain of events that altered the course of Venus' history.
I chose Venus for this essay because it seemed the most unfamiliar sister planet. After choosing Earth's sister planet I had to narrow down all of Venus' qualities and finally, after a lot of thinking, I decided on the planet's atmosphere. I choses this particular quality because it seemed the most broad and interesting character that was taught in the lesson. Earth and Venus are sister planets; they both are terrestrial planets and both are assumed to have had water on the planet at a point of their existence. Three main traits are what make the two planets different: 1) Size. 2) Water quantity.
In many ways Venus is found to be similar to Earth. However their similarities do not extend further than their physical properties, for instance, their atmospheres differ greatly from each other. Venus is said to have atmospheric pressure of 92.1 barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) which it is evidently 92 times greater than Earth’s that is 1.01 barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) at sea-level. In spite of this comparison to Earth’s atmospheric pressure, Venus owns an out of the ordinary atmospheric composition.
Venus is the 2nd planet from the Sun. Venus' reflective nature and close proximity to Earth are major factors in it's being one of the brightest objects in the sky after the Sun and Earth's moon. It is often referred to as
This makes the Venusian day equal to 117 earth days. It is thought that this slow rotation may be the reason why Venus has no magnetic field.