
Vengeance In The Epic Of Beowulf

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Beowulf is a heroic poem that gives the audience an idea of what the past was like. The Anglo-Saxon period was a time where people had a blood for blood mentality. In Beowulf, vengeance is used to achieve glory, wealth, and fame. Beowulf earns these by avenging the death of others.
First, Beowulf uses battles to earn more glory and a higher praise for himself. Beowulf’s first major battle was with Grendel; he battles Grendel to help the people of Herot, but more importantly to gain more glory for himself. By doing this, people will remember him as the daring soldier who killed the giant. Grendel’s mother was Beowulf’s second major clash; Beowulf gains even more praise when he rises to the challenge to kill Grendel’s mother. Once again, after carrying out his promise, Beowulf is known for another daring fulfillment. After all the damage Grendel and his mother did to Heorot Hall, Beowulf was fearless enough to take on the ogres. For such heroism and his known achievements, Beowulf gains high honor and even more glory. …show more content…

When Beowulf defeats Grendel, he is rewarded with a golden banner, a helmet, a coat of mail, an ancient sword, and eight horses. In addition to the gifts Beowulf got, each of the geats, who still sat beside Beowulf, were rewarded with treasure gifts as well. After Grendel’s mother seeks vengeance for her son, Hrothgar promises that if Beowulf saves the Danes one one more time, he will receive twisted gold and ancient treasure. Sure enough, Beowulf is granted more treasure after he dared to take revenge on Grendel’s mother. When the Geats were leaving Denmark, Hrothgar gives them a dozen more gifts. Beowulf uses his battles not only to earn fame, but for riches as

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