
Venezuela Economy Essay

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Economic Analysis for Business Assignment

Examine the last ten years of the Venezuelan economy

Part One

Venezuela is currently facing the worst economic crisis in history. According to the International Monetary Fund, it has negative growth of -8%, the worst in the world and the worst inflation rate (482%). The current unemployment rate is 17% though this figure is expected to climb towards 30%. Venezuela is a country that is reported to have the worlds largest oil supply, a commodity that has a changing price based on supply and demand. Their ability to sell oil was a primary source of revenue for the government. Exporting oil was reported to be around 96 percent of Venezuela's total exports according to the World Bank. In 2014 the …show more content…

The cost of importing is being paid by oil exports that are currently at a price too low to sustain imports. Limited private companies are producing, and prices are increasing due to high levels of inflation. Over the past ten years, Venezuela has reaped the rewards of rising oil prices and sufficient demand from large buyers like the United States, China and India, but due to reduced private companies, falling oil price and decrease global demand this country is unable to provide any value to its economy, pushing themselves to the brink of bankruptcy.

Part Two
The production possibility curve gives an understanding as to one of the reasons for Venezuela’s economic problems. When an economy isn’t reaching its potential, it can be traced back to two main factors. Unemployment and inefficiency. Inefficiency is the primary cause for Venezuela not reaching its potential. Due to changes in world markets the country is producing less than the maximum possible output of goods and services, mainly oil. Due to the government placing the majority of their exports on oil there is less production of other goods that may add value to their economy. Currently, they are at a maximum level of government goods being produced therefore the private sector is at its lowest. The challenge this creates is what is happening to the capital being generated.
According to Mill’s fundamental propositions respecting capital is that industry needs money and this occurs from saving, and

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