
Vehicle-Based Chemicals Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

In this lab, we conducted basic measurements and calculations to estimate the area impact of vehicles used by Camden County College as well as the contribution of vehicle-based pollution from the county, state, and nation. To determine this, the class needed to estimate the annual average emission produced by an average car at the college. With this data, we were able to determine the amount of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons that are released into the atmosphere every day. In my original hypothesis, I assumed that the numbers we were going to find would be extremely high, however, I was still surprised by the actual amounts we deduced. However, I did hypothesize that older cars who receive lower amounts of miles per gallon would produce the larger amounts of emissions, which happened to be the case in this instance.
1. Instructions
2. Data Table
3. Clipboard
4. 50-300 Cars
5. 3-4 Group Members
6. Writing Utensil
7. The U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environment Protection Agency’s …show more content…

The numbers calculated in the table above showcases the amount of vehicle-based chemicals that are released into the atmosphere every day. These chemicals are suspected to contribute to not only the global warming of the Earth, and have also been linked to many harmful health effects to humans. It was extremely surprising to see such high levels of emission within the results, so much that it begs for a solution. One way the college alone could cut down on exhaust emissions would be to promote alternative fuel technology as well as implement energy efficient transportation to be accessible to all students. However, this initiative would take a large amount of funding. A more practical approach could include an overall increase in public transportation as well as the encouragement of the use of car-pooling; or better yet, to encourage the use of walking or biking to

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